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Nov. 24, 2022

26: "Reptile Brain"


26: "Reptile Brain"

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - November 23d 2022 Episode 26 - "Reptile Brain"


75 Hard

Podcasting Celebrity

The Kings

Mitch prep talk - no fire in mouth

Rob bone donor

A special "Brian" laugh

Pastor Jimmy

1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,810 And she can keep in mind. Everything's fine. You got all 2 00:00:06,810 --> 00:00:14,340 that you need to keep Yeah, sure 3 00:00:14,340 --> 00:00:19,170 yeah to keep going to keep her for November 23 2022 Episode 26 4 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:33,120 Hello, my queen. 5 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:34,320 Oh my love. 6 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:41,370 Cheers. Cheers. Okay, let's have a sip first. Oh, my goodness. 7 00:00:41,370 --> 00:00:50,460 Shut up with the horns people. Yay Oh, it was a complex. I've 8 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:56,400 been waiting to say that. This is so complex. We are everybody 9 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:59,610 welcome to curry in the keeper episode number 26. 10 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:01,230 Back in the juice 11 00:01:01,260 --> 00:01:05,070 you are back on the juice, baby. Let's see. This is a Saatva 12 00:01:06,390 --> 00:01:08,010 being young, being young 13 00:01:08,040 --> 00:01:15,540 she gon does. Or Gigan this 2016 made into horn with love. 14 00:01:16,320 --> 00:01:17,040 And who's it from? 15 00:01:17,070 --> 00:01:22,050 Who is this? So we have now defaced all of our wine bottles. 16 00:01:22,050 --> 00:01:25,380 We have about 30 of them. Christina Henry. 17 00:01:25,440 --> 00:01:28,680 Oh, Christina. Okay. This was when Christina came. She came to 18 00:01:28,680 --> 00:01:32,400 visit, visit right when I started 75 hard and she gave us 19 00:01:32,400 --> 00:01:34,770 the two bottles and I properly labeled them I've labeled 20 00:01:34,770 --> 00:01:37,800 everything. I'm so happy you did because I have to so many people 21 00:01:37,800 --> 00:01:40,560 have been generous and kind and something is wine and I want to 22 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:43,380 make sure that when we drink them, you still have to drink 23 00:01:43,380 --> 00:01:48,720 your Genki wine during the week. Well, good wine for the show. 24 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:50,940 We got we've got 24 bottles of wine. 25 00:01:50,940 --> 00:01:53,340 So we have 24 More shows to go. 26 00:01:53,700 --> 00:01:56,640 No, I think that some of these bottles can be consumed in the 27 00:01:56,640 --> 00:02:00,720 meantime. I mean, I will we will make mention of them. But we 28 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:03,960 have to do a little bit of catch up because I'm sorry, because of 29 00:02:03,960 --> 00:02:08,370 the no drinking. At all. Really. We've gotten we've fallen 30 00:02:08,370 --> 00:02:10,020 behind. We can't keep up with a bottle. 31 00:02:10,050 --> 00:02:14,250 I know. It's a momentous occasion because I'm drinking 32 00:02:14,250 --> 00:02:17,040 again. And it's our it's our one year anniversary of the show. 33 00:02:17,040 --> 00:02:21,390 We're at 26 shows. Is that one. Oh, this is Yes. Where's my 34 00:02:21,390 --> 00:02:22,980 present? No, right. 35 00:02:28,260 --> 00:02:30,630 Okay, first, okay, a couple things. First of all, 36 00:02:31,530 --> 00:02:36,210 congratulations on the 75 hard you and the 75 hard crew. I 37 00:02:36,210 --> 00:02:41,490 could not be more proud of you and your guys. Gals and Guy 1000 38 00:02:41,490 --> 00:02:46,500 Guy. Very impressive. I love that everyone's kind of like 39 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:50,040 after your 75 heart. It's like well, I'm gonna kind of still 40 00:02:50,040 --> 00:02:52,050 keep doing 41 00:02:52,829 --> 00:02:56,219 our group are still doing two workouts. I'm down to just one 42 00:02:56,219 --> 00:02:59,249 workout a day, six days a week, but I still am consuming a 43 00:02:59,249 --> 00:03:03,989 gallon of water a lot. A lot of women in our group are they're 44 00:03:03,989 --> 00:03:07,289 still drinking the water. We have one who is starting to do 45 00:03:07,619 --> 00:03:10,139 in the next phase. Because this is the bootcamp 46 00:03:10,140 --> 00:03:12,030 phase. I realized I didn't either. 47 00:03:12,060 --> 00:03:14,430 So this was like, here's the beginning. Here's the end. I 48 00:03:14,430 --> 00:03:17,700 have my wife back. No, no, this is not true. It's not 49 00:03:17,700 --> 00:03:21,570 365 heartbeat. All right. So phase one, because this is booth 50 00:03:21,600 --> 00:03:24,930 bootcamp. Phase one starts January one that's only 30 days 51 00:03:24,930 --> 00:03:29,580 and there's a few extra tasks but one of the extra tasks is a 52 00:03:29,580 --> 00:03:33,600 five minute cold shower, which I'm not really looking forward 53 00:03:33,600 --> 00:03:35,550 to. But somebody's already pre gaming boy. 54 00:03:35,940 --> 00:03:39,630 Is it all it's all the same stuff. Including the book and 55 00:03:39,630 --> 00:03:44,280 the capture page. Okay, yep. And then an additional five minutes 56 00:03:44,310 --> 00:03:46,170 cold showers. Five minutes, 57 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:48,900 five minutes cold shower, which is a lot 58 00:03:48,990 --> 00:03:51,060 when am I supposed to have some kind of sympathy with you? I 59 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:54,690 don't understand when you go five minutes cold shower. 60 00:03:54,750 --> 00:03:58,230 Will you go into cold shower for five minutes that it's not easy 61 00:03:58,230 --> 00:03:59,970 people cold plunge it for baby 62 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:03,240 to three minutes instead what you see me doing is having a 63 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:07,020 good time drinking wine looking very happy. I don't need no cold 64 00:04:07,020 --> 00:04:09,360 showers. Last thing I need 65 00:04:09,390 --> 00:04:12,510 anyway, my point in saying that is there. One moment in our 66 00:04:12,510 --> 00:04:15,480 group is already pre pre gaming. She's already starting to do the 67 00:04:15,480 --> 00:04:17,220 showers to get used to it. So my 68 00:04:17,220 --> 00:04:18,510 good yeah, we're gonna work. 69 00:04:18,600 --> 00:04:19,620 Why not? Let's 70 00:04:19,620 --> 00:04:20,520 go on now. 71 00:04:20,519 --> 00:04:25,499 So now that you are an incredible podcasting celebrity. 72 00:04:26,489 --> 00:04:30,239 Yes, you are. No, listen, I have something serious to discuss. 73 00:04:32,729 --> 00:04:34,829 And we've already kind of discussed this a little bit. 74 00:04:34,859 --> 00:04:36,929 Notice my patronizing tone you like it? 75 00:04:38,670 --> 00:04:40,710 On your face? What is that about? 76 00:04:40,770 --> 00:04:45,240 I would like to try and help you with your texts, emails and DMS 77 00:04:45,240 --> 00:04:48,630 because you're a little out of control. I mean, you are 78 00:04:48,630 --> 00:04:57,930 literally texting 24/7 leap. Yes, true. It's very hard. I 79 00:04:57,930 --> 00:05:02,160 understand what you have to let some things go and you have to 80 00:05:02,190 --> 00:05:05,460 you have to schedule when you otherwise you'd just be texting 81 00:05:05,490 --> 00:05:10,590 all day. If you were tonight in the car the other day, I had to 82 00:05:10,590 --> 00:05:12,150 call you. I know you 83 00:05:12,150 --> 00:05:18,450 did. You did. You did. And I I rightfully deserve that. Nobody 84 00:05:18,870 --> 00:05:22,170 yelled at me. I didn't yell it. Yes, you did your mean. 85 00:05:22,530 --> 00:05:24,120 No, I was mean, but I didn't yell at you. 86 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:28,800 You're never like that. So I knew you're serious. You're 87 00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:31,890 right. I was answering a question. And I missed the turn. 88 00:05:32,730 --> 00:05:34,110 On the highway. I know, 89 00:05:34,140 --> 00:05:39,060 nobody. I get 100 emails a day. I don't get, I don't get that 90 00:05:39,060 --> 00:05:42,060 many texts. And also, I'm really happy because you want 91 00:05:42,060 --> 00:05:44,580 girlfriends and you've got girlfriends, you've got lots of 92 00:05:44,580 --> 00:05:49,020 friends. But I just wanted to say that it's very hard 93 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:51,510 sometimes when you have this huge influx not to want to 94 00:05:51,510 --> 00:05:55,440 always respond immediately. And I'm just saying my experience is 95 00:05:55,950 --> 00:05:58,320 particularly good, so much a show related. You just got to 96 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:01,950 let some of it go until the next day and kind of bulk processing. 97 00:06:02,040 --> 00:06:06,390 Yeah, I know. I agree. I agree. But I yeah, I have a lot of 98 00:06:06,390 --> 00:06:07,680 friends. No, I 99 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:10,260 know what your friends can also like, wait until tomorrow. 100 00:06:12,150 --> 00:06:13,680 I hear you in your right. 101 00:06:14,039 --> 00:06:17,429 It's not about me. You can text all day all night. You can wake 102 00:06:17,429 --> 00:06:18,899 up in the middle of the night and text. 103 00:06:19,200 --> 00:06:20,760 Oh, no, no, no, no, I don't. 104 00:06:20,909 --> 00:06:28,139 I do. I know. I don't know if they're on Twitter. So, but it's 105 00:06:28,139 --> 00:06:30,659 only gonna get more it will not get less you kind of got to 106 00:06:30,689 --> 00:06:33,119 build your own system, particularly the E M I think 107 00:06:33,149 --> 00:06:33,689 emails and 108 00:06:33,690 --> 00:06:35,310 DMS. Yeah, that many emails. I 109 00:06:35,310 --> 00:06:38,130 have a lot of text and DMS I think DMS probably keeps you 110 00:06:38,130 --> 00:06:38,580 busy. 111 00:06:38,610 --> 00:06:40,800 Yes. Yeah. On Instagram. Totally. I'm 112 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:44,160 saying this because I've been a podcaster for a little bit you 113 00:06:44,160 --> 00:06:48,720 have and it can get really overwhelming because you're 114 00:06:48,720 --> 00:06:52,800 popular and you're interested not popular. Alright, how many 115 00:06:52,800 --> 00:06:53,910 people listen to the show? 116 00:06:54,690 --> 00:06:57,570 About 150? Maybe? 117 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:00,210 Oh, maybe I should get you the numbers. I'll get you the 118 00:07:00,210 --> 00:07:03,780 numbers. You may be surprised. You may be very, I hear you loud 119 00:07:03,780 --> 00:07:06,900 and clear. And yes. Yeah, it's just I'm just suggesting some 120 00:07:06,900 --> 00:07:09,180 stuff because I love you and you're gonna get you're gonna 121 00:07:09,210 --> 00:07:11,850 you're gonna burn out now. You're gonna burn out? 122 00:07:12,300 --> 00:07:16,170 Yeah. Well, now that not to doing two workouts a day and 123 00:07:16,620 --> 00:07:19,650 you got a lot of time to answer texts. But I did want to say 124 00:07:20,010 --> 00:07:23,460 at the conclusion of 75 heart, a lot of people had great, great 125 00:07:23,460 --> 00:07:29,430 success. One Anamika lost 30 pounds. My friend Carla and 126 00:07:29,430 --> 00:07:33,090 Florida, I think she lost 17 pounds. I think I don't own a 127 00:07:33,090 --> 00:07:36,870 scale. I think I lost about 12. But I lost 10 and a quarter 128 00:07:36,870 --> 00:07:41,340 inches overall. So I have four more inches to my goal. And I 129 00:07:41,400 --> 00:07:45,780 will definitely hit that by end of January. So I'm really really 130 00:07:45,780 --> 00:07:49,050 happy and I developed some great habits and I really 131 00:07:49,950 --> 00:07:54,090 Yeah, and a lot of positivity in your show. You're radiating. 132 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:57,780 Oh, really. But I did want to thank you too. You've been 133 00:07:57,780 --> 00:08:03,330 incredibly supportive and you got my heart so much. You've 134 00:08:03,330 --> 00:08:07,860 mastered the boiled egg. Adam makes me boiled eggs. I eat 135 00:08:07,860 --> 00:08:11,310 boiled eggs almost every morning and we've mastered it. 136 00:08:11,340 --> 00:08:13,560 I'm just keeping it going because like she's gonna wake up 137 00:08:13,560 --> 00:08:15,810 one day and say what am I eating? This is horrible. This 138 00:08:15,810 --> 00:08:19,560 this is farts in a basket. What am I eating here? 139 00:08:19,590 --> 00:08:26,580 Hey, as long as it's covered in serratus. Awesome, good. Bacon 140 00:08:26,580 --> 00:08:28,650 and I can choke them down. 141 00:08:29,700 --> 00:08:34,380 It's I am so happy. This has changed. It has transformed our 142 00:08:34,380 --> 00:08:37,200 own both our entire life and it's not really changed. I mean, 143 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:39,990 it's not going back. I like that. I really do. Yeah, I came 144 00:08:39,990 --> 00:08:43,350 home today from some shopping like, hey, like I hoped I 145 00:08:43,350 --> 00:08:46,680 grilled up some hamburgers outside. Yeah, what for lunch 146 00:08:46,680 --> 00:08:49,380 eat a burger, baby. Yeah, 147 00:08:49,590 --> 00:08:52,860 I love that. The other morning you had to rebuy for breakfast. 148 00:08:54,480 --> 00:08:56,550 I didn't share with you either. Like, 149 00:08:57,840 --> 00:08:59,670 hey, I'm gonna have this. 150 00:09:00,720 --> 00:09:07,080 Keep a hard time sharing food as you know. On my list sharing 151 00:09:07,080 --> 00:09:07,500 food 152 00:09:07,530 --> 00:09:10,710 you do well, but I understand that that's trauma, childhood 153 00:09:10,710 --> 00:09:14,430 trauma. Trauma. Yeah. But it is pretty weird because I'll say 154 00:09:14,460 --> 00:09:16,770 Hey, can I just have a grape just for the taste? I say 155 00:09:16,770 --> 00:09:20,610 expressly for the taste you go. You know, if you'd said earlier, 156 00:09:20,610 --> 00:09:27,390 I could have gotten yourself I know. Well, here's what but 157 00:09:27,390 --> 00:09:27,660 here's, 158 00:09:27,990 --> 00:09:31,050 here's my thinking. So when I was counting my macros, I'm 159 00:09:31,050 --> 00:09:34,410 like, Okay, wait, are we weigh everything? Consider the 160 00:09:34,410 --> 00:09:36,990 calories and like okay, these are, these are the final 161 00:09:36,990 --> 00:09:39,660 calories I have for the night. I'm going to savor them and 162 00:09:39,660 --> 00:09:42,360 you're like, Hey, can I have some of that? And I'm like, 163 00:09:42,390 --> 00:09:47,490 Oh 111 Grape. Can you even measure and then if you if I 164 00:09:47,490 --> 00:09:48,540 answer one great 165 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:51,420 sometimes you don't ask you just look at me. Just Oh, 166 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:54,180 no, no, no, no, if I'm looking at you know, I'm not expecting 167 00:09:54,180 --> 00:09:57,330 anything. Way beyond 168 00:09:57,359 --> 00:10:01,109 Yeah, so I have perhaps you're fooling up Sorry, that's okay. 169 00:10:01,169 --> 00:10:02,519 Sorry. So 170 00:10:02,820 --> 00:10:06,180 and we've been learning all kinds of things about beef and 171 00:10:06,180 --> 00:10:08,610 different ways of cooking it and stuff that we like and stuff 172 00:10:08,610 --> 00:10:11,490 that we like more and stuff that we'd like a little less. Yes. 173 00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:15,900 Yeah. And I will say we've had we ordered we got was a 10 packs 174 00:10:15,900 --> 00:10:22,140 of primal beef from Holy Cow up in Lubbock, and we ate 175 00:10:22,170 --> 00:10:25,050 we headed as tacos. Well explain what primal beef is. Oh, 176 00:10:25,050 --> 00:10:28,740 primal beef is basically ground beef and then they grind in all 177 00:10:28,740 --> 00:10:31,890 the organs. Yes, heart, kidney and liver, which of course is 178 00:10:31,890 --> 00:10:35,250 incredibly healthy. And it's very good for you. It does have 179 00:10:35,250 --> 00:10:35,970 a bit of a 180 00:10:37,170 --> 00:10:40,380 it's got a taste. It's got a it's got an aroma. 181 00:10:40,410 --> 00:10:44,490 Yeah, so So you did tacos, which is great. I make my own tacos. 182 00:10:44,490 --> 00:10:47,010 That was fantastic. They did wouldn't have made any 183 00:10:47,010 --> 00:10:51,480 difference Yeah. Tonight we had an easy quick meal just throw 184 00:10:51,480 --> 00:10:56,130 some spaghetti and meat sauce. And I think it's because I was 185 00:10:56,160 --> 00:11:01,470 expecting a certain taste and I'm like yeah, you didn't like 186 00:11:01,470 --> 00:11:03,930 it man. I think I got a heart valve right 187 00:11:09,420 --> 00:11:11,880 what is the aorta 188 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:16,380 that I have here my ground but it's it's an I think maybe it's 189 00:11:16,380 --> 00:11:17,760 a 3070 mix. 190 00:11:17,819 --> 00:11:20,699 I just wasn't expecting Yeah, I just we need not our favorite 191 00:11:20,699 --> 00:11:23,129 covered up a little bit more. Yeah, it's not our favorite 192 00:11:23,129 --> 00:11:26,669 thing. I know that we should just just has to be seasoned 193 00:11:26,669 --> 00:11:28,529 because when the taco stuff was fantastic. 194 00:11:28,560 --> 00:11:31,530 Yeah. So I have to make chili for the women's luncheon at 195 00:11:31,530 --> 00:11:33,930 church next Sunday. And I'm debating whether I should make 196 00:11:33,930 --> 00:11:37,620 it out of the primal beef or not. I think you should use it. 197 00:11:38,160 --> 00:11:40,920 No, no, I think I totally think you should just a matter of 198 00:11:41,640 --> 00:11:42,810 it cooks for a long time. So 199 00:11:42,810 --> 00:11:46,290 the flavor flavor will be fantastic. This is just I mean 200 00:11:46,290 --> 00:11:49,500 literally you brown it threw it in there with the with the sauce 201 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:53,700 and with marinara sauce. Yeah, and the intestines just sat 202 00:11:53,700 --> 00:12:01,980 there going. Oregon's baby entrails? And is that what it's 203 00:12:01,980 --> 00:12:03,120 called? entrails? 204 00:12:03,360 --> 00:12:07,740 I I think a sweetbreads aren't they sweet bread? 205 00:12:07,740 --> 00:12:12,480 No, no entrails is intestines are in general Oregon's O N N 206 00:12:12,480 --> 00:12:17,460 like the letter E n t r a I LS O N trails me for being so 207 00:12:17,460 --> 00:12:20,490 sophisticated. Gosh, and here I said sweet bread. No sweet 208 00:12:20,490 --> 00:12:22,800 breads is is testicles isn't no 209 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:23,130 sweet 210 00:12:23,130 --> 00:12:25,950 breads are like fried kidney fried organs. 211 00:12:26,219 --> 00:12:28,439 Well, what is testicles? Just testicles. 212 00:12:33,570 --> 00:12:36,780 What are sweetbreads? It's the I think it's the gullet the 213 00:12:36,780 --> 00:12:41,910 throat. Look it up. Okay, sweet bread Wikipedia. Here we go 214 00:12:41,910 --> 00:12:46,560 consult the book of knowledge. Culinary name for thymus also 215 00:12:46,560 --> 00:12:52,140 cold called throat gullet or no more pancreas and more 216 00:12:52,140 --> 00:13:00,480 testicles. No. Other glands. Cheek ear, tongue, throat again. 217 00:13:02,310 --> 00:13:05,250 I had a bad night get sweetbreads. You just don't 218 00:13:05,250 --> 00:13:07,260 really want to No, no, I just want to eat it. 219 00:13:07,290 --> 00:13:09,690 I had a bad night with the breath and can't do sleep breath 220 00:13:09,690 --> 00:13:11,670 anymore. Yes, you can. Nope. Nope. 221 00:13:12,390 --> 00:13:14,610 was bad. Yeah. Caballos. That's what you want. 222 00:13:14,640 --> 00:13:19,380 No, nope, nope, nope. But I did say to Adam, in terms of eating 223 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:22,440 and drinking. I said this weekend we're putting up our 224 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:25,560 Christmas tree. And I said, Yeah, 225 00:13:26,010 --> 00:13:29,040 I said we have a bottle of champagne. Let's open the 226 00:13:29,040 --> 00:13:29,700 champagne bowl. 227 00:13:29,699 --> 00:13:32,249 We decorate the Christmas tree. Oh, yeah. And you were really 228 00:13:32,249 --> 00:13:36,269 happy because earlier you said because I didn't have a candle 229 00:13:36,299 --> 00:13:39,209 because I stopped buying candles because of the chemicals. Yeah. 230 00:13:41,550 --> 00:13:45,390 I can't. I can't drive my car because you know, it's it has 231 00:13:45,390 --> 00:13:50,340 gas chemicals in it. I can't clean with that. No good. Can 232 00:13:50,340 --> 00:13:53,910 you just clean the floors from spit and dirt? 233 00:13:56,880 --> 00:13:59,700 You're amusing yourself over there I am. No, I 234 00:14:01,470 --> 00:14:03,750 thought we were settled in you know, I'm like we're just a good 235 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:06,000 couple. We're gonna grow a little bit old together. It's 236 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:10,080 gonna be fine. And you doing all this exciting stuff. It's like 237 00:14:10,080 --> 00:14:13,830 very invigorating. We're gonna have champagne and put up the 238 00:14:13,830 --> 00:14:15,570 Christmas tree and then I'm going to decorate you 239 00:14:17,910 --> 00:14:18,780 please 240 00:14:20,580 --> 00:14:22,890 know but you were complaining that I didn't have a candle and 241 00:14:22,890 --> 00:14:23,400 you said you 242 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:28,290 took away the champagne. Taking away the candle. Every day. You 243 00:14:28,290 --> 00:14:29,490 were just you were just bringing 244 00:14:31,380 --> 00:14:36,780 glory. Oh my goodness. Yeah. So Oh, yeah. A lot. A lot. A lot. 245 00:14:36,780 --> 00:14:37,230 Yeah, 246 00:14:37,230 --> 00:14:40,140 we had a lot. We've We've hooked up. hooked up. We've met with a 247 00:14:40,140 --> 00:14:44,640 lot of different people. We had dinner at the Kings last night 248 00:14:44,670 --> 00:14:47,820 last night. Monday for who we met. 249 00:14:48,090 --> 00:14:50,280 Did we meet them at Vault zoom at the Met vaudeville at the 250 00:14:50,280 --> 00:14:50,910 wine event 251 00:14:51,510 --> 00:14:53,070 at the sequined dress event. No. 252 00:14:54,960 --> 00:14:58,560 They recognized you right away. And Mark came up and introduced 253 00:14:58,560 --> 00:14:59,820 himself to you yeah, 254 00:14:59,820 --> 00:15:03,780 and because they are marks my age for sure isn't exactly my 255 00:15:03,780 --> 00:15:07,950 age or younger. Might be younger. Anyway, I liked them a 256 00:15:07,950 --> 00:15:11,490 lot when we were talking to the mark and Julianne, because there 257 00:15:11,490 --> 00:15:14,490 are a lot of fun because they were much more at this wine 258 00:15:14,490 --> 00:15:19,650 event the talking about. Yeah, and then we go game hunting, gay 259 00:15:19,650 --> 00:15:26,190 hunting, no game hunting. And oh yeah, no, we go to Africa and 260 00:15:26,250 --> 00:15:27,240 like why? Yeah, she 261 00:15:27,240 --> 00:15:30,390 shoots and he fills her bullets, right? Doesn't he fill her 262 00:15:30,390 --> 00:15:30,810 bullets? 263 00:15:31,110 --> 00:15:35,460 Well, it's called What's it called? It's called loading the 264 00:15:35,460 --> 00:15:38,130 ammo. I don't know. Oh, no, it's very specific. It's a very 265 00:15:38,130 --> 00:15:38,700 specific 266 00:15:38,730 --> 00:15:41,580 thing, but are known as but fill your bullets. But 267 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:45,570 when we were talking to them, then I'm like, these people are 268 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:49,590 clearly international smugglers of ivory and diamonds is no 269 00:15:49,620 --> 00:15:52,710 there's no other way is like it's very obvious. So we go to 270 00:15:52,710 --> 00:15:53,820 their house to have dinner. 271 00:15:54,750 --> 00:15:56,670 lovely dinner and their 272 00:15:57,930 --> 00:16:01,020 beautiful lab and they say hey, you want to see the game room? 273 00:16:01,050 --> 00:16:04,140 Yeah, sure. I'll see the game. Well, it's not a game with like 274 00:16:04,170 --> 00:16:05,010 air hockey. 275 00:16:05,579 --> 00:16:06,329 No, 276 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:11,670 it's trophies. Animals on the wall. I've I have seen a lot of 277 00:16:11,670 --> 00:16:15,060 taxidermy. Since my in Texas. I've never seen it like this. 278 00:16:15,090 --> 00:16:17,280 Well, I've seen a house that he had even though but I mean, 279 00:16:17,310 --> 00:16:20,550 expressions were so good. They're beautiful. There was 280 00:16:20,550 --> 00:16:21,780 also a giraffe. 281 00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:25,470 Yeah. And what was that a cheetah, a full cheetah, 282 00:16:25,470 --> 00:16:26,250 giraffe? 283 00:16:26,520 --> 00:16:30,060 Water buffalo. And then I mean, just and they have all these 284 00:16:30,060 --> 00:16:33,600 stories inside. And of course, I understand how that works with 285 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:34,860 big game hunting and press. 286 00:16:35,130 --> 00:16:39,090 And it's humane to I mean, they was nothing human about it. No, 287 00:16:39,120 --> 00:16:42,450 but it's a whole process. It's not. No, it's 288 00:16:42,450 --> 00:16:44,880 actually to preserve the animals. You have to call them. 289 00:16:44,940 --> 00:16:48,840 We have more African Oryx in Texas than in Africa because we 290 00:16:48,840 --> 00:16:51,960 preserve them. Yeah. But still, I you don't give me a gun and 291 00:16:51,960 --> 00:16:54,000 tell me to shoot the giraffe. I'd be like, No, that's okay, 292 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:57,450 man. You know what, I'll just go back into cheese. And that was 293 00:16:57,450 --> 00:17:00,990 your kudu board. You all go shoot the giraffe. Yeah, 294 00:17:01,020 --> 00:17:03,000 it was pretty cool. It was a pretty cool village that 295 00:17:03,030 --> 00:17:05,760 when they shoot the village eats for a month or whatever. Yeah, 296 00:17:05,760 --> 00:17:08,880 but yeah, now they were a lot of fun. So we finally have a couple 297 00:17:08,880 --> 00:17:12,360 friend in Fredericksburg nearby. Oh, we have Mike and Sarah to 298 00:17:12,510 --> 00:17:13,080 see Margot. But 299 00:17:13,079 --> 00:17:16,439 it's so nearby. You can Yeah, you literally can just drive 300 00:17:16,439 --> 00:17:19,349 backwards. Yeah. I love that. But we were 301 00:17:19,380 --> 00:17:23,370 we of course, Adams dental surgery is coming up next. And 302 00:17:23,370 --> 00:17:27,090 so Mark started sharing. Mark started sharing a story about 303 00:17:27,090 --> 00:17:29,160 his own mouth. Yeah, that 304 00:17:29,160 --> 00:17:31,680 was really helpful. Yeah, whenever whenever you're going 305 00:17:31,680 --> 00:17:34,500 in for something you're a little bit anxious. Hey, man, let me 306 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:40,140 tell you about how they broke my jaw readjusting. Take my head 307 00:17:40,140 --> 00:17:44,370 off. Put it back on. Well, yeah, thanks. Yeah, I feel I actually 308 00:17:44,370 --> 00:17:46,530 did make me feel a bit better. Because whatever he went through 309 00:17:46,530 --> 00:17:46,650 was 310 00:17:46,650 --> 00:17:49,260 horrible. Well, yeah, because his mouth was a rubber band. 311 00:17:49,860 --> 00:17:53,790 But he was 16 or 17. I'm 68. He'll be fine. 312 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:55,470 Got all your drugs? No, I 313 00:17:55,470 --> 00:18:00,750 was. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, there's that so so. So there's 314 00:18:00,750 --> 00:18:05,310 Hollywood and Hollywood and Maverick as my dental team. 315 00:18:05,970 --> 00:18:10,590 Exactly. What is the hottie dentist? Zach is Hollywood. And 316 00:18:10,620 --> 00:18:14,520 Maverick is Mitch. He's a pilot. So. So yeah, he calls me Hey, 317 00:18:14,520 --> 00:18:16,680 Adam from his cell phone, because, you know, he's, I mean, 318 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:19,350 this is a big deal. And they're working together. And typically 319 00:18:19,350 --> 00:18:20,220 what I have, 320 00:18:21,150 --> 00:18:23,670 they're probably like the meteorologist that just so 321 00:18:23,670 --> 00:18:25,140 jacked up because a hurricane is 322 00:18:30,120 --> 00:18:32,100 coming, dude, you're 323 00:18:32,100 --> 00:18:34,470 right. That's definitely meteorology 324 00:18:40,950 --> 00:18:42,570 how often do they get to do this? 325 00:18:42,600 --> 00:18:45,990 No, not typically. Typically, the insurance won't do this. 326 00:18:46,050 --> 00:18:49,830 It's not cheap to people just like rip all you had to get rip 327 00:18:49,830 --> 00:18:52,110 everything out. Here's your fake. Here's your dentures. You 328 00:18:52,110 --> 00:18:55,950 know, that's it. So we're saving all this stuff. And, and it's, 329 00:18:55,980 --> 00:18:59,280 it's technical. And so they're having meetings. So Mitch calls 330 00:18:59,280 --> 00:19:01,290 me he's like, Hey, man, just want to talk to you yesterday, a 331 00:19:01,680 --> 00:19:04,980 week before the surgery. How you feel? I said I'm pretty fuckin 332 00:19:04,980 --> 00:19:07,800 anxious. If you don't mind me saying, oh, man, you 333 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:11,970 know what, Adam, I can feel your anxiousness or anxiety and this 334 00:19:11,970 --> 00:19:15,510 is so not you. You are not an anxious person at all. And I can 335 00:19:15,510 --> 00:19:16,110 feel it will be 336 00:19:16,110 --> 00:19:20,010 okay. But of course, the worst part is still yet to come. Yes. 337 00:19:20,220 --> 00:19:24,030 So you know, we're chatting and ask them again. So tell me about 338 00:19:24,030 --> 00:19:26,670 that. Because it's two step procedure, right? Gonna be half 339 00:19:26,670 --> 00:19:30,480 a year before I'm kind of close to done. So the first thing it's 340 00:19:30,480 --> 00:19:33,900 gonna be three, four hours. Yes. He says Hi, man. And you know, 341 00:19:34,140 --> 00:19:36,900 there's no one else you might only get an only patient thanks. 342 00:19:37,230 --> 00:19:42,540 I'm only patient for the whole day length. And it's going to be 343 00:19:42,540 --> 00:19:44,730 great. It's going to be you know, we're going to want to 344 00:19:44,730 --> 00:19:48,210 drug Yup, it's going to be cool. And you know, but it's a really 345 00:19:48,450 --> 00:19:52,410 technical process with the with the bone grafting is a scrapes a 346 00:19:52,410 --> 00:19:57,480 little bone, takes a little blood has some I think human 347 00:19:57,930 --> 00:20:02,340 Uyghur bones probably And and they spin that up in a center 348 00:20:02,340 --> 00:20:08,760 for Uyghurs. Thank you Uyghurs and he opens up your, your your 349 00:20:08,760 --> 00:20:13,320 gums and he puts in the bone and then that has to heal. And so he 350 00:20:13,320 --> 00:20:17,640 says two things. First, he said and, and I do appreciate him 351 00:20:17,640 --> 00:20:21,450 says, Hey, Adam. Okay, so I want you to really be brushing, you 352 00:20:21,450 --> 00:20:25,860 know, of course, I'm very, you're very diligent. Yeah. It's 353 00:20:25,860 --> 00:20:28,440 a little bit more than then you would and let's do what have you 354 00:20:28,440 --> 00:20:28,620 been 355 00:20:28,620 --> 00:20:30,840 in the bathroom? A lot? Yes, of course. 356 00:20:31,530 --> 00:20:33,240 Do you know what this is costing? I'm not gonna I'm not 357 00:20:33,240 --> 00:20:36,450 gonna jeopardize this for one second, not one thing is going 358 00:20:36,450 --> 00:20:40,080 to jeopardize it. And here it comes. And he says, Adam, the 359 00:20:40,080 --> 00:20:44,160 vaping is fine. You can vape THC. You got to stop putting 360 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:47,310 fire in your mouth now because I just don't want it to be dry. 361 00:20:47,310 --> 00:20:49,800 And I want it to be as healthy as possible because I told him 362 00:20:49,830 --> 00:20:55,800 like, I smoke weed all day long, all day long. And he says, yeah, 363 00:20:55,800 --> 00:20:59,460 no, I can. He says, Can you like, pull it back? I said, No, 364 00:20:59,460 --> 00:21:01,710 he didn't say stop. I said, I'm gonna stop man. He said, That's 365 00:21:01,710 --> 00:21:04,350 really good. It's just it's the fire is heating up your mouth. I 366 00:21:04,350 --> 00:21:07,620 don't give a shit about anything else. I don't care about the, 367 00:21:08,070 --> 00:21:11,370 you know, what do you call it the when it gets on your teeth, 368 00:21:11,940 --> 00:21:14,640 staining or anything? That's not the problem. It's just you're 369 00:21:14,670 --> 00:21:17,640 you're drying out your gums. It's horrible. You can drink 370 00:21:17,640 --> 00:21:19,590 lots of water. Okay, so we're going through all that sounds 371 00:21:19,590 --> 00:21:24,270 like, Okay. And then he says, okay, so I hope it all goes 372 00:21:24,270 --> 00:21:31,890 well. What do you say? Isn't that what I meant is? I hope you 373 00:21:31,890 --> 00:21:35,820 heal well. Oh, and I said, okay, because he said the operation 374 00:21:35,820 --> 00:21:39,150 the procedure will be fine. He says but healing Yeah, that's 375 00:21:39,150 --> 00:21:42,390 also up to your body. I can't I can't determine how fast that 376 00:21:42,390 --> 00:21:45,780 will go or how it will be says but by preparing and doing all 377 00:21:45,780 --> 00:21:47,970 these things, it will make it a lot easier. So that's what I'm 378 00:21:47,970 --> 00:21:50,820 doing smoking a little bit on fucking edge. If you don't mind. 379 00:21:50,850 --> 00:21:53,460 I haven't had a goddamn smoke all day. I'm sorry to take the 380 00:21:53,460 --> 00:21:57,720 Lord's name in vain, but it came out like that. Okay, better. 381 00:21:58,470 --> 00:22:01,710 Better. Better. No, I'm better now. 382 00:22:02,580 --> 00:22:03,510 I know, babe. 383 00:22:03,960 --> 00:22:08,910 Here's the funniest story of all. My friends Robin Tiffany. 384 00:22:09,030 --> 00:22:13,380 So we're supposed to go to switch to Switzerland? Yes, 385 00:22:13,410 --> 00:22:20,100 that's what ruined it. Yes. I did. They for her birthday. In 386 00:22:20,100 --> 00:22:24,030 January, they have a chalet with a chef and you know, stab, 387 00:22:24,030 --> 00:22:27,660 beautiful, like, come on out. It's gonna be a couple, couple, 388 00:22:27,750 --> 00:22:29,400 couple couple of friends of theirs. 389 00:22:29,699 --> 00:22:33,059 And I was so I was so honored that we were involved in that. 390 00:22:34,289 --> 00:22:35,639 Because we really love them. 391 00:22:37,140 --> 00:22:42,210 So I'm looking, I said, you know, it's gonna be a couple 392 00:22:42,210 --> 00:22:45,360 weeks into the first surgery. I don't know, I'm gonna have to be 393 00:22:45,360 --> 00:22:48,360 kind of under observation. If something happened, you know, 394 00:22:48,360 --> 00:22:50,430 the sutures have to come out because they're not self 395 00:22:50,430 --> 00:22:53,970 dissolving for all kinds of reasons. Because they're great. 396 00:22:56,340 --> 00:22:59,850 I don't feel comfortable being away from you know, Hollywood 397 00:22:59,850 --> 00:23:09,540 and Mave. In case something home. Oh, title. Case. In case 398 00:23:09,540 --> 00:23:10,620 something happens, yeah, 399 00:23:10,620 --> 00:23:12,090 you don't want to be in another country. 400 00:23:12,120 --> 00:23:15,420 So she says, Well, you gotta tell him. Yeah, I was like 401 00:23:15,420 --> 00:23:18,540 flowers. It's your mouth. So So I call up Rob. I said, Hey, man, 402 00:23:18,540 --> 00:23:21,330 how you doing? I wanted chatting. I said, and I said, 403 00:23:21,330 --> 00:23:25,080 Ah, man, I gotta tell you what's going on with my mouth. And, and 404 00:23:25,080 --> 00:23:27,990 I go through this whole thing that I just explained. And then 405 00:23:27,990 --> 00:23:32,070 I say, so this kind of sucks. It's kind of bad news, because I 406 00:23:32,070 --> 00:23:35,310 really don't feel. I mean, it's I really can't We can't come to 407 00:23:35,310 --> 00:23:38,760 Switzerland because I have to be kind of close to to the team 408 00:23:38,760 --> 00:23:43,170 here in case something happens is oh, oh, man. I thought you're 409 00:23:43,170 --> 00:23:47,880 gonna ask me to donate bone. He literally thought that he was 410 00:23:48,180 --> 00:23:49,470 going to ask him to donate. 411 00:23:51,360 --> 00:23:54,780 His either his mom or dad needed a kidney. And Tiffany told them 412 00:23:54,780 --> 00:24:00,540 no. You're not giving up your kidney. I'm sure if you were 413 00:24:00,540 --> 00:24:03,300 asking for bone. She'd be like, Nope, you're not giving up your 414 00:24:03,300 --> 00:24:03,690 bone. 415 00:24:03,810 --> 00:24:09,870 That guy, buddy. Oh, so funny. I love this so much. That's my 416 00:24:09,870 --> 00:24:12,030 story. So I got a couple more days and then actually on 417 00:24:12,030 --> 00:24:16,230 Monday, it starts and then with a with a pre procedure for 418 00:24:16,230 --> 00:24:19,260 prepping for the temporaries on Wellborn everybody, and then on 419 00:24:19,260 --> 00:24:25,920 Tuesday and then I probably probably will be out for a week. 420 00:24:25,950 --> 00:24:30,900 I mean, yeah, I mean it just it Yeah, cuz no chewing no no 421 00:24:30,900 --> 00:24:32,280 anything for at least a 422 00:24:32,280 --> 00:24:34,470 week. Yes. I ordered my food processor. I 423 00:24:34,470 --> 00:24:37,110 ordered my blender straws. You get straw. Oh, 424 00:24:37,110 --> 00:24:39,270 I forgot straws. I'll make sure I'll make sure you're all set 425 00:24:39,270 --> 00:24:41,940 while you're you know, under for four hours. I'll go stack up. 426 00:24:42,330 --> 00:24:44,760 Yeah, you're not gonna feel like eating. You're not gonna feel 427 00:24:44,760 --> 00:24:50,070 like eating for hours. No long time. Yeah, no. But you know 428 00:24:50,070 --> 00:24:53,940 what? It'll seem like you'll be put out and you'll wake up and 429 00:24:55,740 --> 00:24:59,970 yeah, sure. It'll be Thanks, darling. That's it. 430 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:04,410 There was no, I definitely want to say prayers up. Were please, 431 00:25:04,440 --> 00:25:07,380 please pray for Adam. I mean it's happening on Monday and 432 00:25:07,380 --> 00:25:11,280 Tuesday and please yes, because the power of prayer, really a 433 00:25:11,280 --> 00:25:11,730 difference. 434 00:25:11,760 --> 00:25:12,720 Oh my goodness. I'm 435 00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:17,790 gonna make sure the whole bridge church prays, oh, she can do a 436 00:25:17,790 --> 00:25:21,360 prayer prayer request. I'm totally doing it totally doing 437 00:25:21,360 --> 00:25:21,570 that I 438 00:25:21,570 --> 00:25:26,340 do a song for me. Yeah, well, striper anything with a solo 439 00:25:26,340 --> 00:25:26,850 speaking 440 00:25:26,850 --> 00:25:30,180 of cellos that we had pastor Jimmy and I met over for dinner. 441 00:25:30,750 --> 00:25:31,380 This was 442 00:25:31,380 --> 00:25:34,410 fantastic. Well, of course, there was some always drama with 443 00:25:34,410 --> 00:25:39,150 the curries, but it was so nice to have them over. Yes, yeah. 444 00:25:39,180 --> 00:25:40,320 Oh, yeah, go ahead. 445 00:25:41,430 --> 00:25:45,150 It was we had a great night we made KMC steaks. We made rib 446 00:25:45,150 --> 00:25:48,330 eyes and you know, had a nice dinner started with a 447 00:25:48,330 --> 00:25:49,320 charcuterie board. 448 00:25:49,860 --> 00:25:53,910 And we had some vino vino. Yeah. Which pastor Jimmy and I drank 449 00:25:53,910 --> 00:25:57,420 the most of this was your first class. I 450 00:25:57,420 --> 00:25:59,400 was like, I can't get sauced up in front of pastured 451 00:25:59,580 --> 00:26:02,700 meat. But that was your first your first glass after 75 days. 452 00:26:02,700 --> 00:26:04,500 And how did you feel when you when you 453 00:26:05,129 --> 00:26:07,769 it was good, but I only had one tiny glass because I was very 454 00:26:07,769 --> 00:26:11,699 concerned. I didn't have any like, no, because I spaced it 455 00:26:11,699 --> 00:26:14,699 out with water. I was Yeah, I was very very cautious. 456 00:26:14,790 --> 00:26:15,630 I was it now. 457 00:26:16,260 --> 00:26:17,580 It's good. It's going down easy. 458 00:26:17,970 --> 00:26:23,280 Are you feel uneasy Friends don't let friends podcast rock 459 00:26:23,310 --> 00:26:23,610 but I 460 00:26:23,610 --> 00:26:26,790 did work out twice today in preparation for the show knowing 461 00:26:26,790 --> 00:26:29,910 I was consuming calories. 462 00:26:30,990 --> 00:26:33,120 Tomorrow morning before Thanksgiving. Got to do some 463 00:26:33,120 --> 00:26:33,450 more. 464 00:26:33,480 --> 00:26:36,930 It's a mind thing. So we so yeah, so we had a lovely 465 00:26:36,930 --> 00:26:41,910 evening. And Pastor Jimmy really loved Phoebe and Phoebe was 466 00:26:41,940 --> 00:26:45,690 Phoebe was letting him pet her. And so that wasn't a problem. 467 00:26:45,720 --> 00:26:50,310 And then they were getting ready to go. Like I said, lovely, 468 00:26:50,340 --> 00:26:52,770 lovely evening. They were here for about three hours or so and 469 00:26:52,770 --> 00:26:54,930 they were getting ready to go almost for maybe three and a 470 00:26:54,930 --> 00:27:01,320 half. And a net went to pet Phoebe and Phoebe growled at her 471 00:27:01,350 --> 00:27:07,380 and snaps snapped at her. And it scared and everybody. Yeah, 472 00:27:07,410 --> 00:27:10,530 we were all kind of standing around wish they were on their 473 00:27:10,530 --> 00:27:14,880 way out the door. Yes. And she's like goodbye Phoebe and like 123 474 00:27:14,880 --> 00:27:17,220 Pop, pop pop pop up. And of course, your hand was going up 475 00:27:17,220 --> 00:27:19,860 and Phoebe. It was very distressing for everybody. 476 00:27:19,890 --> 00:27:24,570 Oh, yeah. And so. And they were so gracious. I mean it scared. 477 00:27:25,710 --> 00:27:28,770 She's cute. She's racking up the Glock. I'm like, no baby, don't 478 00:27:28,770 --> 00:27:34,200 shoot. She's just a dog, honey. You got your knife out, ready to 479 00:27:34,200 --> 00:27:40,800 slit her throat my baby. She's just. But I was mortified. 480 00:27:40,830 --> 00:27:44,520 I was embarrassed. I was I would have been devastated. If she 481 00:27:44,520 --> 00:27:47,490 would have hurt a net, I would have just and so I was very 482 00:27:47,520 --> 00:27:50,760 angry. And I was like, I was like, she's gotta go, she's 483 00:27:50,760 --> 00:27:53,940 gotta go. This has happened to Weldon, it happened to Chris. 484 00:27:53,940 --> 00:27:57,450 And now it's happened to a net. And this dog has trauma and we 485 00:27:57,450 --> 00:28:01,290 can't seem to fix it. And so at night, you were like, We need to 486 00:28:01,290 --> 00:28:04,170 have a unified front. Let's try and find a solution to this. And 487 00:28:04,170 --> 00:28:07,320 I said, you know, right now I just don't feel I don't feel 488 00:28:07,350 --> 00:28:08,100 what are you looking at? 489 00:28:08,970 --> 00:28:10,890 I'm looking at my meters while listening to you. 490 00:28:11,490 --> 00:28:14,820 Okay, I mean, are you entranced by what I'm saying? 491 00:28:14,850 --> 00:28:17,490 I'm gonna have to put up a wall. You can't be looking at me. No, 492 00:28:17,490 --> 00:28:19,680 I'm okay. Usually you're 493 00:28:19,680 --> 00:28:23,220 looking at me. You're not looking away. So anyway, back to 494 00:28:23,220 --> 00:28:27,360 the story. So anyway, so it was at night and he said, You know 495 00:28:27,360 --> 00:28:29,070 what, I think we just need to pray about it. 496 00:28:29,100 --> 00:28:33,000 And oh, no, no, that's not true. Oh, I got the story wrong. No. 497 00:28:33,360 --> 00:28:38,880 Yes. Oh, sure. I think I said that earlier. I was like, this 498 00:28:38,880 --> 00:28:41,730 is something to pray about. But that was in the kind of, like, 499 00:28:41,760 --> 00:28:47,880 you know, it was it was it was very emotional. And it was a lot 500 00:28:47,880 --> 00:28:51,780 of lot, you know, then things get sad and like, so let's just, 501 00:28:51,810 --> 00:28:57,360 let's just be very calm. And then I actually woke up at like, 502 00:28:57,360 --> 00:29:00,780 two or three in the morning. And I prayed about it. And I'm like, 503 00:29:00,780 --> 00:29:07,500 wow, you know, yeah. Because what do I do here? And, and I 504 00:29:07,500 --> 00:29:11,310 literally just start going on Google. And then all of a 505 00:29:11,310 --> 00:29:12,180 sudden, well, wait, let 506 00:29:12,180 --> 00:29:14,580 me kind of get to this part before you say what, what you 507 00:29:14,580 --> 00:29:18,690 came to? Yeah. Okay. So I get up early, because I get up early to 508 00:29:18,690 --> 00:29:22,770 do my Bible recap. And so I start praying, and I'm like, 509 00:29:22,950 --> 00:29:26,370 please, Holy Spirit, just please give us direction on what we 510 00:29:26,400 --> 00:29:29,910 what we can do with her. We love this dog. I don't want to give 511 00:29:29,910 --> 00:29:33,450 her away. I mean, we're attached to her. And it just came clear 512 00:29:33,450 --> 00:29:36,180 to me like you need to get her in a boot camp, you need to do 513 00:29:36,420 --> 00:29:39,240 that she needs she needs somebody who can just solely 514 00:29:39,240 --> 00:29:42,510 focus on her. And so when Adam got up in the morning, and I was 515 00:29:42,510 --> 00:29:45,630 sitting at the counter, and I turned to you and I said, I 516 00:29:45,630 --> 00:29:48,300 think we need to send her to a boot camp and you said you 517 00:29:48,300 --> 00:29:51,210 prayed about it. Yes. And I said, we need to send her to 518 00:29:51,210 --> 00:29:51,810 bootcamp. 519 00:29:51,810 --> 00:29:55,620 And I said, Oh, okay, so I prayed at three in the morning 520 00:29:55,650 --> 00:29:59,820 and I it wasn't actually Google, it was Neva. And I don't use 521 00:29:59,820 --> 00:30:05,100 code Okay. And I've always felt like organic, just let it come 522 00:30:05,100 --> 00:30:08,520 to me and I'm looking for training and whatever and, you 523 00:30:08,520 --> 00:30:11,910 know, dog that is great except with people. And then all of a 524 00:30:11,910 --> 00:30:17,340 sudden I get into behaviourists. And then up pops this, this ex 525 00:30:17,340 --> 00:30:22,560 Marine who has a company and they and they do like, one week, 526 00:30:22,560 --> 00:30:27,540 two week, four week. And it's right there. The dog is 527 00:30:27,540 --> 00:30:31,650 reactive, all of a sudden, she's nipping all it's like, this is 528 00:30:31,680 --> 00:30:36,930 the this this is it. And then and then I, but it was so strong 529 00:30:36,930 --> 00:30:38,790 that it came to me. And then when you said that in the 530 00:30:38,790 --> 00:30:41,850 morning, I'm like, there you go. Like, 531 00:30:41,880 --> 00:30:44,460 okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. 532 00:30:45,270 --> 00:30:49,830 Because we've had this before, long time ago with Phoebe. And 533 00:30:49,830 --> 00:30:52,590 it was very stressful, didn't resolve that quickly. Wasn't 534 00:30:52,590 --> 00:30:56,430 quickly resolved. It was not. So thank you, God. Thank you. Holy 535 00:30:56,430 --> 00:30:57,240 Spirit. Yes. 536 00:30:57,270 --> 00:31:00,480 So we were so grateful for that. And I know that Pastor Jimmy was 537 00:31:00,510 --> 00:31:02,490 happy to hear that because he was like, I hope they don't get 538 00:31:02,490 --> 00:31:03,780 rid of her because of this. 539 00:31:04,080 --> 00:31:13,410 And then. Yes, after our lovely meal. Yes. And then. Well, 540 00:31:13,620 --> 00:31:19,500 Sunday, the service. And I wasn't able to watch it because 541 00:31:19,530 --> 00:31:22,470 I was actually talking to the marine guy. Yes. The dog man. 542 00:31:22,890 --> 00:31:28,140 coming on. On Saturday. Yeah. And, and they take her for a 543 00:31:28,140 --> 00:31:33,450 week. And then it's unlimited transition. Yes. Because he 544 00:31:33,450 --> 00:31:37,650 says, Look, if we can't do it, then then I should be firing us 545 00:31:37,650 --> 00:31:41,370 all. So it's unlimited, because we'll get exactly what you want. 546 00:31:41,730 --> 00:31:45,840 And I said, I want her off leash. I want her to I want her 547 00:31:45,840 --> 00:31:49,560 to, of course, alert us because he said you wanted to not bark 548 00:31:49,560 --> 00:31:52,320 or bark. Like when you're in the shower. That would be great. 549 00:31:52,320 --> 00:31:54,330 Yeah, I wanted to bark if something's going on. If I say 550 00:31:54,810 --> 00:31:58,290 the code, then stop and I wanted to sit in her place when people 551 00:31:58,290 --> 00:32:01,260 come in. Yeah, because we can do all of that. Okay, he's trained 552 00:32:01,440 --> 00:32:07,560 alligators horses, he trained train horses. But he did the 553 00:32:07,560 --> 00:32:10,290 ordinance dogs. He was with Clinton's campaign in the 554 00:32:10,290 --> 00:32:14,460 Clinton administration when all over the world and the Marines 555 00:32:14,460 --> 00:32:19,440 would be doing the the dogs for bomb sniffing and all that. And, 556 00:32:19,680 --> 00:32:23,460 and I said, Oh, well, you you train. I said, Adam, we have no 557 00:32:23,460 --> 00:32:26,640 idea how many parents asked me to train their dog to find 558 00:32:26,640 --> 00:32:30,630 drugs. I know. You guys would like that, too. Because I often 559 00:32:30,630 --> 00:32:34,140 misplace my drugs. Could you please? Of course. 560 00:32:34,410 --> 00:32:36,570 You know me. Don't misplace them. 561 00:32:38,100 --> 00:32:40,920 I know where they are now. I just can't have them. And I may 562 00:32:40,920 --> 00:32:43,410 never smoked the flower again. I may just go to 563 00:32:43,500 --> 00:32:46,980 a permit here. Wait, no. 23rd Don't do that. 564 00:32:47,699 --> 00:32:51,059 It's very difficult for someone who's an addict. Let me let me 565 00:32:51,239 --> 00:32:55,379 let me listen to my own truth. Don't hold me to it yet. Okay, 566 00:32:55,499 --> 00:32:58,499 but I'm gonna try. Okay. Yeah, there's no reason. I mean, I 567 00:32:58,499 --> 00:33:01,109 need to stop eventually. I can't be smoking weed. Oh, I guess I 568 00:33:01,109 --> 00:33:04,619 could. Yeah. Willie Nelson still still are still with us. Yeah, 569 00:33:04,649 --> 00:33:05,099 God bless him. 570 00:33:05,100 --> 00:33:08,130 But you were saying is the church on Sunday? Oh, see? 571 00:33:08,130 --> 00:33:09,270 Finally. Yes. Right. So 572 00:33:09,300 --> 00:33:11,610 you come home because I was talking with the guy for almost 573 00:33:11,610 --> 00:33:16,200 an hour. And normally, I get this somehow I get this extra 574 00:33:16,200 --> 00:33:19,650 hour magically on Sundays where I have or half hour so I can see 575 00:33:19,650 --> 00:33:23,490 the sermon was not happening. And I had a lot of show to do. 576 00:33:25,380 --> 00:33:27,810 So you come home, did you see this at night, and I got to 577 00:33:27,810 --> 00:33:34,140 watch it. And so then I watch it after the after no agenda. And I 578 00:33:34,140 --> 00:33:40,020 made a clip. Oh, you do? Oh my God. Love clipping podcasts. And 579 00:33:40,020 --> 00:33:42,360 this, I think is the first sermon that I've clipped. 580 00:33:42,390 --> 00:33:45,480 Oh. What am I surprised? 581 00:33:45,510 --> 00:33:48,060 Oh, here we go. This is Pastor Jimmy bridge church from this 582 00:33:48,060 --> 00:33:49,440 past Sunday. I was visiting 583 00:33:49,440 --> 00:33:53,610 with somebody on Friday night. And he said that he was not a 584 00:33:53,610 --> 00:33:57,630 follower of Jesus. But for years. God put people all around 585 00:33:57,630 --> 00:34:00,750 him. And one day it dawned on him everybody I look up to and 586 00:34:00,750 --> 00:34:04,500 respect is a Christian. They're a follower of Jesus. He's like, 587 00:34:04,500 --> 00:34:09,120 I'm the outlier. What's wrong with me? And he began a search, 588 00:34:09,990 --> 00:34:15,810 a journey of faith and he has found what he was looking for. I 589 00:34:15,810 --> 00:34:20,250 heard that testimony, I was reminded of how he asked 590 00:34:20,250 --> 00:34:24,420 questions, and they simply answered the questions. And he 591 00:34:24,420 --> 00:34:28,080 shared with me on Friday night, that now people are asking him 592 00:34:28,080 --> 00:34:33,180 questions. And what's he doing? He's answering the questions. 593 00:34:34,260 --> 00:34:37,770 See, we're not out there just blabbing it and just go into 594 00:34:37,770 --> 00:34:41,640 town with it. When our life is compelling because the Holy 595 00:34:41,640 --> 00:34:46,080 Spirit is upon us. People will ask questions, because they will 596 00:34:46,080 --> 00:34:50,220 see Christ in you and they will see Christ upon us. That makes 597 00:34:50,220 --> 00:34:50,730 sense. 598 00:34:51,690 --> 00:34:52,710 I love this. 599 00:34:52,740 --> 00:34:55,410 Oh my god, much like God, 600 00:34:55,440 --> 00:34:59,790 and I sent it to the four men in my life who, who he's referring 601 00:34:59,790 --> 00:35:02,100 to and they don't act probably don't really know from each 602 00:35:02,100 --> 00:35:08,220 other. And they all send such beautiful notes back. Very 603 00:35:08,250 --> 00:35:09,630 emotional. Really just 604 00:35:09,660 --> 00:35:12,780 I hope he shared that with Pastor Jimmy. It brings tears to 605 00:35:12,780 --> 00:35:13,410 my eyes. 606 00:35:13,470 --> 00:35:16,500 I'm doing it on the show. I hope he listens to my little podcast. 607 00:35:16,890 --> 00:35:18,960 He does listen, they both do. 608 00:35:20,220 --> 00:35:25,890 In fact, one of them. One of them literally said thank you 609 00:35:25,890 --> 00:35:30,990 for seeing the Christ and upon in and upon me. Like, oh, man, 610 00:35:32,070 --> 00:35:36,930 so awesome. I know. Then he immediately had a little wink to 611 00:35:36,930 --> 00:35:37,320 you. 612 00:35:38,220 --> 00:35:41,820 To this day when I get around certain individuals. I want to 613 00:35:41,820 --> 00:35:46,770 know more about them. What makes them tick. Why do you have 614 00:35:46,770 --> 00:35:51,210 peace? Why do you have patience in this crazy world? Why are you 615 00:35:51,210 --> 00:35:56,100 so kind why? How can you be gentle and when there's road 616 00:35:56,100 --> 00:35:59,640 rage to be had? How can you be gentle when you're dropping? 617 00:36:00,510 --> 00:36:02,130 Power the Holy Spirit. I'm telling you. 618 00:36:03,390 --> 00:36:08,130 That was for you. I know it 100% I heard I heard him in his mind 619 00:36:08,130 --> 00:36:11,040 go. Let me let me mess with Tina now for a second hold on when 620 00:36:11,040 --> 00:36:17,400 there's road rage to be had. That was that was that was a 621 00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:19,290 real treat. That was very, very nice. You 622 00:36:19,290 --> 00:36:21,990 want to say though, that when they were here, when they came 623 00:36:21,990 --> 00:36:27,150 here, they gave me a beautiful photo from my baptism in my 624 00:36:27,150 --> 00:36:32,010 Bible. But I had dinner I turned to him and I go, you know he has 625 00:36:32,010 --> 00:36:37,470 these buckets that he uses as a visual when he's doing when he's 626 00:36:38,370 --> 00:36:42,450 doing a sermon. And I I said to him, I go, Yeah, I just want to 627 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:42,780 know, 628 00:36:43,350 --> 00:36:46,830 how attached are you to those buckets? Because when you turn 629 00:36:46,830 --> 00:36:51,300 around his word, corrosive honest. He had said that 630 00:36:51,300 --> 00:36:53,550 somebody else had mentioned it to him, but I'm 631 00:36:53,970 --> 00:36:54,600 attached to him. 632 00:36:56,700 --> 00:37:00,570 Maybe he said he could possibly work that word in some way. 633 00:37:00,630 --> 00:37:04,740 Anyway, it was a lovely, lovely evening and Annette and I have a 634 00:37:04,740 --> 00:37:07,800 blossoming friendship which I'm really grateful for her to she's 635 00:37:08,160 --> 00:37:10,740 she's a lovely, lovely lovely person. 636 00:37:10,740 --> 00:37:14,430 Oh, went shopping. We did we had an wine drinker. Did you go wine 637 00:37:14,430 --> 00:37:18,030 drink now? No, no, I was driving. But no, we had a really 638 00:37:18,030 --> 00:37:21,600 nice day. Yeah, she's she's awesome. I'm glad that I've met 639 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:23,310 her and I'm getting to know her. It's been 640 00:37:23,310 --> 00:37:26,280 it's been really exciting this past but I didn't pass this past 641 00:37:26,280 --> 00:37:26,970 fortnight. 642 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:30,420 Yes, I did. I dropped her off on I went into her house and Pastor 643 00:37:30,420 --> 00:37:32,460 Jimmy was practicing 644 00:37:32,520 --> 00:37:33,600 with his child. 645 00:37:34,890 --> 00:37:38,220 And he had his guitars on the wall. And I said, Oh, yeah, 646 00:37:38,220 --> 00:37:40,500 Adams got guitars, too. I said, but he doesn't play them. 647 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:42,930 They're just you know, they're there for show. I go but you 648 00:37:42,930 --> 00:37:47,070 know, he did order the Keith Urban guitar and all the lessons 649 00:37:47,130 --> 00:37:52,650 from QVC. Anyway, 650 00:37:53,370 --> 00:37:54,060 I thought that was 651 00:37:54,120 --> 00:37:59,880 my I did I did say to Jimmy, Pastor Jimmy, I said, Hey, man, 652 00:38:01,050 --> 00:38:04,440 how come none of those Christian songs have solos? Because I know 653 00:38:05,010 --> 00:38:09,540 uses. I hear you man. I know you're cuz he plays electric. To 654 00:38:09,540 --> 00:38:13,740 me just just ripping through 15 Second, do three bars of a song. 655 00:38:14,940 --> 00:38:15,690 And then we're good. 656 00:38:16,590 --> 00:38:19,830 And what did I say? I got just for the record. I'm not I don't 657 00:38:19,860 --> 00:38:21,210 I don't want a guitar solo 658 00:38:24,480 --> 00:38:26,370 would make the song just that much better. 659 00:38:26,910 --> 00:38:30,600 Anyway, yeah. So that was you. That was really nice. I'm glad 660 00:38:30,600 --> 00:38:33,990 that you clip that of course. But yes. So back to miss Phoebe. 661 00:38:33,990 --> 00:38:37,350 So she's off on Saturday for boot camp for one week. And 662 00:38:37,890 --> 00:38:41,430 yeah, we had to buy her a silence of the lamb muzzle. 663 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:46,260 If you've never seen this, this is the best Baskerville I think 664 00:38:46,410 --> 00:38:51,810 basket muzzle. Because, you know, now she's a nipper. And 665 00:38:52,440 --> 00:38:55,800 the marine says, Look, you just got to put this on her for the 666 00:38:55,800 --> 00:38:59,220 beginning because obviously she's going to nip at me. I 667 00:38:59,220 --> 00:39:02,460 can't stop my automatic reaction from pulling my hand away. But 668 00:39:02,460 --> 00:39:04,980 if she's got a muzzle on, I won't do it. And if I pull my 669 00:39:04,980 --> 00:39:07,770 hand away, we're actually reinforcing the wrong behavior. 670 00:39:07,770 --> 00:39:09,900 So just get this and put it on. 671 00:39:09,959 --> 00:39:13,679 So we have to have it on her when you don't know that answer. 672 00:39:13,890 --> 00:39:19,320 But I have to have one. Okay. I got and I put it on her and 673 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:24,810 she's like, whatever. And it looks just that What do you 674 00:39:24,810 --> 00:39:27,030 please her sent me that picture? I gotta put it in the show 675 00:39:27,030 --> 00:39:29,490 notes. She looks like Hannibal Lecter. 676 00:39:33,150 --> 00:39:37,860 She will let us do anything to her. She will she will let us do 677 00:39:37,860 --> 00:39:39,360 it. I wipe her paws. 678 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:42,090 I roll her on her back. I clean her ears. 679 00:39:44,550 --> 00:39:47,370 Everything's great except she we just doesn't like other people. 680 00:39:48,150 --> 00:39:51,150 It's I know it's a behavior that can be fixed. I know that these 681 00:39:51,150 --> 00:39:54,210 guys you know what's happening. Yeah, these guys are going like, 682 00:39:54,720 --> 00:39:58,920 Man, this is easy money. This isn't easy. We'll make a big 683 00:39:58,920 --> 00:39:59,280 deal. 684 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:03,690 Are we he really docile with with the trainer in her house? 685 00:40:03,720 --> 00:40:07,410 Which I said he said, No, no, that's perfect. Now we can put 686 00:40:07,410 --> 00:40:11,880 the behavior in. And then, of course, when we bring her back, 687 00:40:12,030 --> 00:40:14,040 she's going to try and get away with it. But that's what the 688 00:40:14,040 --> 00:40:18,240 transition lessons for so it's teaching us it's Oh, I know 689 00:40:18,450 --> 00:40:22,740 5% Oh, of course because we have to reinforce it, but but I'm so 690 00:40:22,740 --> 00:40:26,100 happy that this is the solution. I feel good about it and yeah, 691 00:40:26,100 --> 00:40:30,210 me to see this dog. We just you know, she hates other people. 692 00:40:30,960 --> 00:40:34,440 Small thing. Particularly women. I might point out 693 00:40:34,530 --> 00:40:38,010 No, she doesn't like Mark Hall. She didn't like Weldon 694 00:40:38,520 --> 00:40:41,670 but the ratio of women to men who she's nipped at how she 695 00:40:41,670 --> 00:40:44,610 loved my daughter Elise and elite, but they're telling you 696 00:40:44,970 --> 00:40:47,580 and same with Christina they didn't take she didn't take one 697 00:40:47,580 --> 00:40:50,370 second to recognize that as family I don't know what that is 698 00:40:50,370 --> 00:40:52,980 that maybe she could smell the bloodline something 699 00:40:53,010 --> 00:40:55,470 Yeah, well tell him about the reindeer grant games that 700 00:40:55,470 --> 00:40:59,910 happened in the front yard we it is mating season here and I've 701 00:40:59,910 --> 00:41:04,050 never seen this there are bugs everywhere chasing these dos and 702 00:41:04,050 --> 00:41:08,910 there they are look real like Dude get away from me and the 703 00:41:08,910 --> 00:41:09,390 bugs are 704 00:41:09,390 --> 00:41:11,520 just we were walking through in our walking back the other 705 00:41:11,520 --> 00:41:15,240 morning I hear like sticks falling branches falling through 706 00:41:15,240 --> 00:41:19,530 the tree so what is going on and she's she's got her ears up and 707 00:41:19,530 --> 00:41:23,670 it was two bucks going out at clock clock clock locking horns 708 00:41:23,670 --> 00:41:27,030 clock clock and just as we rounded the corner Bob was the 709 00:41:27,030 --> 00:41:30,720 one buck clocks the other one out and right away is hey baby 710 00:41:30,720 --> 00:41:30,840 you 711 00:41:36,480 --> 00:41:40,290 know as I saw the the rating the mating ritual, which is 712 00:41:40,290 --> 00:41:45,750 basically I'm gonna get you you have no chance of escaping. And 713 00:41:45,750 --> 00:41:48,690 there's all these other deer all around to go on. fight flight 714 00:41:48,690 --> 00:41:52,650 Fight, fight fight. It's beautiful to watch it's really 715 00:41:52,650 --> 00:41:56,130 incredible. And then there's turkeys walking around a huge 716 00:41:56,130 --> 00:42:00,480 turkeys it's also show up for the season. But I've lived in 717 00:42:00,480 --> 00:42:02,910 cities most of my life on countries where there are no 718 00:42:02,910 --> 00:42:07,560 turkeys. And you now you kind of get it's like it's Thanksgiving 719 00:42:07,590 --> 00:42:11,040 literally turkeys walked through our garden. It's like, I 720 00:42:11,040 --> 00:42:14,490 understand I thought to them yesterday. This was not 721 00:42:14,490 --> 00:42:17,430 symbolic. It's like people were out in the in the prairie in the 722 00:42:17,430 --> 00:42:22,230 60s in the 1700s. Like, wow, what is it? No, it's November. 723 00:42:22,230 --> 00:42:25,470 What's that Turkey? Good. Yeah. Thanks. 724 00:42:25,500 --> 00:42:28,740 But those bucks you cannot get near them because they start up 725 00:42:28,740 --> 00:42:32,220 they start taking their hooves and pushing them down. Yeah, but 726 00:42:32,220 --> 00:42:32,670 ya 727 00:42:32,910 --> 00:42:35,130 know, they can be very aggressive. Yeah. 728 00:42:35,250 --> 00:42:38,940 They don't want to be. They don't want to. They don't want 729 00:42:38,940 --> 00:42:40,950 to be bothered. That's for sure. 730 00:42:41,010 --> 00:42:42,630 They don't. That's for sure. 731 00:42:43,080 --> 00:42:46,620 Um, let's see. I have a couple of things on my list. Oh, so 732 00:42:46,680 --> 00:42:50,340 Elise, my daughter came in to see us. This is a couple of 733 00:42:50,340 --> 00:42:52,260 weeks ago. And was that? 734 00:42:53,100 --> 00:42:55,350 Yes, she was here in between shows. 735 00:42:55,590 --> 00:42:58,320 Yes. Yes. She was in between shows. And she came in just for 736 00:42:58,320 --> 00:43:01,620 about four days she came in and Oh, nice to have it was so nice. 737 00:43:01,620 --> 00:43:04,680 And like we said Phoebe loved her. But I totally messed up 738 00:43:05,190 --> 00:43:07,050 with we were having a car pick her up. 739 00:43:07,740 --> 00:43:08,430 Oh, goodness 740 00:43:08,460 --> 00:43:12,180 at the airport accurate. And I mess I messed up because her 741 00:43:12,180 --> 00:43:16,470 flight was getting in at 12:30am. And I said Thursday. 742 00:43:16,470 --> 00:43:20,580 8am. And really, it was Friday. And so, Adam, you you pointed 743 00:43:20,580 --> 00:43:24,030 out you're like you loved the fact that I messed up on that 744 00:43:24,030 --> 00:43:27,690 because you said I always, always point out your typos when 745 00:43:27,690 --> 00:43:28,620 you're tweeting. 746 00:43:29,310 --> 00:43:32,190 Now you've been slipping a lot on things lately. Yes. You've 747 00:43:32,190 --> 00:43:35,340 been slipping on your you've got typos in your posts. I do. 748 00:43:35,910 --> 00:43:37,440 Oh you do you correct it. 749 00:43:39,150 --> 00:43:42,270 It's interesting to watch. You know you're not infallible. I 750 00:43:42,270 --> 00:43:44,730 thought I thought Wow, man. She's just she never makes a 751 00:43:44,730 --> 00:43:48,030 mistake with anything. And now I feel a little better. I think 752 00:43:48,030 --> 00:43:49,680 it's due to excessive texting. 753 00:43:50,370 --> 00:43:52,050 I'm glad I could come down to your level 754 00:43:58,230 --> 00:44:00,300 Oh, yes, fine. Yeah. 755 00:44:01,050 --> 00:44:03,630 That was nice. Nice to have Elise over. 756 00:44:03,660 --> 00:44:07,590 Yeah. With fun. Like we said, yeah, she had it was really nice 757 00:44:07,590 --> 00:44:10,740 to see her and then I get to see my other daughter is doing well. 758 00:44:10,740 --> 00:44:13,800 Yeah, she's doing really, really well. And I get to see my other 759 00:44:13,800 --> 00:44:17,460 daughter. And beginning of December. She's flying into 760 00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:20,490 Austin. So good to see her. So yeah, so even though we don't 761 00:44:20,490 --> 00:44:23,340 get to see him on holidays, I got to see them before the 762 00:44:23,340 --> 00:44:26,280 holidays. And speaking of the holidays, Yes, tomorrow 763 00:44:26,550 --> 00:44:30,480 is Thanksgiving and we have a number of misfits dropping by we 764 00:44:30,480 --> 00:44:34,890 have Allison Allison coming for another bite? Yes. We'll put the 765 00:44:34,890 --> 00:44:35,640 muzzle on Phoebe. 766 00:44:37,590 --> 00:44:40,140 Yes. That was the first person 767 00:44:40,140 --> 00:44:43,620 that I'm going to put the muzzle on TV tomorrow. 768 00:44:43,830 --> 00:44:46,740 And then my friend Dale is coming and Dale was the one that 769 00:44:46,740 --> 00:44:49,110 wrote me the song for my birthday saying pretty much how 770 00:44:49,110 --> 00:44:51,150 miserable I am. You're a horrible person. And then of 771 00:44:51,150 --> 00:44:52,080 course my BFF 772 00:44:52,110 --> 00:44:53,430 Brian. He's coming 773 00:44:53,460 --> 00:44:55,350 you know, okay. Oh, yes. 774 00:44:55,350 --> 00:44:56,430 I have some things to say. 775 00:44:57,060 --> 00:45:06,330 Here's what's interesting. Yes. I've noticed that you have a 776 00:45:06,330 --> 00:45:11,850 particular laugh that you only use when you're laughing about 777 00:45:11,880 --> 00:45:13,470 or with with. 778 00:45:13,980 --> 00:45:17,490 Brian is funny, it cracks me up, 779 00:45:17,490 --> 00:45:20,280 but then you go on to share all the jokes, but it's not always 780 00:45:20,280 --> 00:45:24,180 in context of this ongoing thread. And I'm like, 781 00:45:25,260 --> 00:45:27,780 Okay, well, this will make you laugh. So we're talking about 782 00:45:27,780 --> 00:45:28,590 Thanksgiving, by the 783 00:45:28,590 --> 00:45:32,610 way. I like he's great. Gosh, for like a throw him. So 784 00:45:32,610 --> 00:45:35,730 he goes, he goes, I'll bring the preliminaries. I go, 785 00:45:35,730 --> 00:45:40,170 preliminaries, appetizers, I said, Okay. Oh, he goes, I go, 786 00:45:40,170 --> 00:45:43,890 what are you going to bring? He goes, It's shrimp in a white 787 00:45:43,890 --> 00:45:47,070 wine sauce with capers and onions, and a cream cheese 788 00:45:47,070 --> 00:45:50,910 covered in Chipotle raspberry sauce top with slivered almonds. 789 00:45:50,910 --> 00:45:52,350 Holy, Is he serious? I 790 00:45:52,350 --> 00:45:56,760 go. Are you serious? I go. I said to him, I go. Capers and 791 00:45:56,760 --> 00:45:59,220 raspberry sauce. It's a terrifying combo. 792 00:45:59,550 --> 00:46:03,180 Maybe go may not be. It wasn't two separate recipe. 793 00:46:04,860 --> 00:46:08,430 Not together as like a like a Rachel. 794 00:46:10,380 --> 00:46:11,820 It's like Rachel's Triforce. 795 00:46:13,980 --> 00:46:15,210 Man and then the behind. 796 00:46:16,410 --> 00:46:19,830 I got layer bananas and whipped cream. And then ground beef 797 00:46:19,860 --> 00:46:23,490 mashed potatoes and peas. He didn't know he did not know he 798 00:46:23,490 --> 00:46:27,540 goes. You're mixing up two separate dishes, you moron? 799 00:46:29,070 --> 00:46:34,350 Yes, I had to send him that I had to send him that. That clip 800 00:46:34,350 --> 00:46:35,730 of Rachel but the trifle 801 00:46:36,630 --> 00:46:39,270 that's just coming who asked the five of us. 802 00:46:39,480 --> 00:46:41,730 I said to Brian, I said do you have any white flour? I don't 803 00:46:41,730 --> 00:46:44,550 have white flour go because we don't have any to make gravy. 804 00:46:44,550 --> 00:46:45,990 And I hope you know how to make gravy because 805 00:46:45,990 --> 00:46:49,830 we don't know we we know how to make it. I just never succeeded. 806 00:46:49,860 --> 00:46:50,340 Well. My 807 00:46:50,370 --> 00:46:52,980 microphone Treece has sent me a recipe but it's like in gold 808 00:46:53,010 --> 00:46:55,110 involves five different mushrooms. And I'm like, I don't 809 00:46:55,110 --> 00:46:55,770 have time for that. 810 00:46:55,770 --> 00:46:58,770 I just Teresa makes different kinds of cheese off. She's 811 00:46:58,770 --> 00:46:59,670 a good cook and I 812 00:47:01,080 --> 00:47:02,070 but I want the 813 00:47:02,460 --> 00:47:05,580 standard fare. Yeah, you're lucky I'm not opening up a jar 814 00:47:06,000 --> 00:47:09,420 for gravy. Do you know it will be better than all the gravy you 815 00:47:09,420 --> 00:47:14,010 want. We cannot get it or not. We're not gravy makers man can 816 00:47:14,010 --> 00:47:14,430 get to get 817 00:47:14,460 --> 00:47:17,370 I did get my organic Turkey though. I got that and that 818 00:47:17,370 --> 00:47:20,370 we're just getting standard fare turkey stuffing cranberry sauce. 819 00:47:20,370 --> 00:47:20,430 I 820 00:47:20,430 --> 00:47:25,080 love it. Carrots. I love it. Rolls. Potatoes. Of course I'll 821 00:47:25,080 --> 00:47:27,390 be working for most of the day. Yeah, but you're gonna you're 822 00:47:27,390 --> 00:47:30,420 starting early, starting an hour earlier. So I'll be done around 823 00:47:30,420 --> 00:47:31,920 three, four or something like that. 824 00:47:31,980 --> 00:47:33,600 Yeah. Oh, but I did send 825 00:47:35,430 --> 00:47:39,690 this picture of this Jello mold that had boiled eggs and shrimp 826 00:47:39,690 --> 00:47:41,790 in the like clear gelatin 827 00:47:43,980 --> 00:47:46,740 is what I mean people cheat now you're gonna know just just 828 00:47:46,740 --> 00:47:49,770 laugh along with her because you won't see the picture. You don't 829 00:47:49,770 --> 00:47:50,940 understand what happened 830 00:47:51,150 --> 00:47:52,260 to you For show notes. 831 00:47:54,570 --> 00:47:59,790 This is the Ongoing humor thread of Tina and Brian. Oh, but so he 832 00:47:59,790 --> 00:48:03,180 really thought I got I'm making this. I go making this thing. 833 00:48:04,200 --> 00:48:04,950 That Oh, 834 00:48:06,300 --> 00:48:08,610 I knew that. I knew that if you sent that as a joke, you would 835 00:48:08,610 --> 00:48:12,930 be too polite. And he was like well what if she really is 836 00:48:12,930 --> 00:48:15,540 naked? I don't want to slam it. Really? Because it 837 00:48:15,540 --> 00:48:18,330 was I was I was just trying to gear myself up to stomach it 838 00:48:20,490 --> 00:48:24,090 exactly what happens? Oh man, obviously eat that crap at the 839 00:48:24,090 --> 00:48:26,010 curries. No funny 840 00:48:26,100 --> 00:48:29,970 so funny. Um, one thing he did say though he said we should 841 00:48:29,970 --> 00:48:33,000 call the cork soakers and vineyard nation and I liked 842 00:48:33,000 --> 00:48:37,320 that. I liked numbers unite vineyard nation. Write it down 843 00:48:37,320 --> 00:48:39,180 vineyard vineyard nation. There was something 844 00:48:39,180 --> 00:48:41,670 else someone said that fit really well. 845 00:48:43,140 --> 00:48:43,890 Write it down. 846 00:48:44,100 --> 00:48:48,240 No. Something you mentioned that someone's by the way who did our 847 00:48:48,240 --> 00:48:52,080 art today? I liked this. This. Oh, yes. I will tell you. Is 848 00:48:52,080 --> 00:48:53,340 this Mr. Robot? Is this 849 00:48:55,590 --> 00:49:00,390 about Yes, Mr. Robot and absurd, absurd observations, which I've 850 00:49:00,390 --> 00:49:02,970 got a note from them as well. Yes, they made the artwork 851 00:49:02,970 --> 00:49:04,530 today, which is absolutely beautiful. 852 00:49:05,130 --> 00:49:06,570 Do you want to read the note? Well, it's 853 00:49:06,570 --> 00:49:09,810 all like donations and stuff. So if you want to head into the 854 00:49:09,960 --> 00:49:12,330 donation segment, no. Okay. 855 00:49:13,590 --> 00:49:19,410 We're early. Oh, rockin ahead. I was expecting like an hour 45 856 00:49:19,410 --> 00:49:22,170 today, but so far, we're well on track. I like how you poured 857 00:49:22,170 --> 00:49:26,940 your glass. I'm sorry. You know how quickly we forget. This is 858 00:49:26,940 --> 00:49:29,820 what happens. I'm not used to it anyway. Not too much. 859 00:49:29,820 --> 00:49:32,820 Not too much. I can lightweight. How's that little bit more? 860 00:49:35,070 --> 00:49:38,730 Good. Okay. Thank you. Hey, cheers. Me again. So happy? 861 00:49:38,790 --> 00:49:40,230 Yeah. I love you. 862 00:49:40,230 --> 00:49:41,400 I love you too. 863 00:49:41,430 --> 00:49:42,210 So cool. 864 00:49:43,140 --> 00:49:50,070 It's fun being married to you. You could turn it easy on the 865 00:49:50,070 --> 00:49:50,700 ice. Yeah, 866 00:49:50,700 --> 00:49:53,460 pretty good deal. Well, wait until that. Wait. All that shit. 867 00:49:53,460 --> 00:49:54,660 I'm out of my favorite. Who's 868 00:49:54,720 --> 00:49:58,380 your son? John's gonna you're gonna be swollen. You're gonna 869 00:49:58,380 --> 00:49:59,250 be like a chipmunk. 870 00:50:01,500 --> 00:50:02,280 Take pictures. 871 00:50:03,150 --> 00:50:07,770 Yeah, now you can take as many pictures that you want. But I 872 00:50:07,770 --> 00:50:08,970 get the temporaries right away. 873 00:50:09,630 --> 00:50:12,270 We also went to our friend Katherine and Brian's for 874 00:50:12,270 --> 00:50:16,500 dinner. That was lovely. She made this other great dinner. I 875 00:50:16,500 --> 00:50:19,860 know we have well, Thanksgiving and then we have one more dinner 876 00:50:19,860 --> 00:50:22,560 and then we're done for a while. Um, but yes, we went to their 877 00:50:22,560 --> 00:50:25,230 house. They live in Wimberley and she made this 878 00:50:25,530 --> 00:50:27,030 which is where Paul Simon lives 879 00:50:30,240 --> 00:50:33,840 but she made this amazing Indian food spread like 880 00:50:34,020 --> 00:50:39,270 it was really Yeah, with the with coconut rice and tandoori 881 00:50:39,270 --> 00:50:41,850 chicken and the audacity said 882 00:50:41,850 --> 00:50:45,570 I'm making curry for the curries was was really good. And then I 883 00:50:45,570 --> 00:50:50,370 made my Gluten Free paleo vegetarian shortbread bars. 884 00:50:51,209 --> 00:50:55,499 Katherine's mom Kathy. Yes, love Kathy. She's fantastic. And of 885 00:50:55,499 --> 00:50:58,139 course, Bella. They were all at your at your 886 00:50:58,170 --> 00:51:00,510 back. Oh, they're just lovely people. 887 00:51:00,540 --> 00:51:03,450 I just right. It was my kind of guy though, man. It's like you 888 00:51:03,450 --> 00:51:07,320 too, are like, Yeah, I know. Well, yeah. tech heads like Hey, 889 00:51:07,320 --> 00:51:11,880 man. How mad you beat clean, dude. I know. Anyway, Hey, man. 890 00:51:12,630 --> 00:51:16,440 I love that moron stereo. He added morons classic morons 891 00:51:16,620 --> 00:51:18,840 stereo to you right to it. 892 00:51:18,840 --> 00:51:21,630 It was like it was it was reverberating energy. 893 00:51:22,830 --> 00:51:27,090 Oh my God is gonna morons tuner tuner amplifier. Oh, everyone 894 00:51:27,090 --> 00:51:29,370 used to have with a big heavy nut tuning up? 895 00:51:29,580 --> 00:51:33,360 Yeah, my ex boyfriend handles in high school. Yeah, but he had it 896 00:51:33,360 --> 00:51:34,440 all refurbished, right? 897 00:51:34,799 --> 00:51:37,529 Oh, yeah. That was refurbished. And also and then he has a 898 00:51:37,529 --> 00:51:41,969 greenhouse. They have a greenhouse. Hello. 899 00:51:43,020 --> 00:51:43,740 Nice plants 900 00:51:45,030 --> 00:51:45,930 is nothing yet. 901 00:51:45,960 --> 00:51:49,500 Oh, they have a cold plunge. Yeah, it's like it's like a 902 00:51:49,530 --> 00:51:53,430 it's like a little like a little. A little sauna. 903 00:51:54,600 --> 00:51:58,110 Go vacation house. But we're laughing at the end of the 904 00:51:58,110 --> 00:52:03,000 night. We're laughing about how how we got our American Express 905 00:52:03,000 --> 00:52:07,590 cards. Remember? Yes. So Adam, but really you're gonna love 906 00:52:07,590 --> 00:52:11,250 this story. So when I met Adam, his credit score was hovering 907 00:52:11,250 --> 00:52:12,990 around the three hundreds I think 908 00:52:13,140 --> 00:52:17,880 no. You tell the story. You're right. It was okay. 909 00:52:17,880 --> 00:52:21,630 Maybe five mid fives. Me by the way. Okay, by 910 00:52:21,629 --> 00:52:24,449 the way, can I just point out I didn't ever shit. I didn't care 911 00:52:24,449 --> 00:52:28,079 I cashflow I'd never cared about my credit score never cared. 912 00:52:28,109 --> 00:52:32,489 Okay, I'm quadrant 10. Also, if I'm quadrant No, if I may say, I 913 00:52:32,489 --> 00:52:40,949 came back into this country in 2000. And well 10 years ago, so 914 00:52:40,949 --> 00:52:44,519 I had no credit I was effectively I had negative 915 00:52:44,519 --> 00:52:46,919 credit as we're about to find out in the story. 916 00:52:47,370 --> 00:52:50,610 So being that I'm quadrant two, 917 00:52:50,670 --> 00:52:52,830 I've always proud quadrant two 918 00:52:53,430 --> 00:52:54,450 seven habits baby 919 00:52:54,450 --> 00:52:56,070 come on. Deep Space. 920 00:52:57,029 --> 00:53:02,909 We talked about preventative I'm in front of you know I'm 921 00:53:02,909 --> 00:53:06,119 planning so of course my credit score is always in the eight 922 00:53:06,119 --> 00:53:08,819 hundreds if it's below 800 Then I got a problem 923 00:53:12,240 --> 00:53:13,200 so meet Adam 924 00:53:13,379 --> 00:53:16,139 I had the player handbooks all I needed I didn't need I didn't 925 00:53:16,139 --> 00:53:17,639 need any credit score you could 926 00:53:17,640 --> 00:53:18,720 look what you scored baby. 927 00:53:21,660 --> 00:53:29,040 I accessed reptile brain score Gen reptile brain as a DM for 928 00:53:29,040 --> 00:53:29,580 deets. 929 00:53:31,110 --> 00:53:32,700 Reptile brains another good show. 930 00:53:35,040 --> 00:53:39,660 So, yes, so I mean, Adam. Yeah, he's got cashflow, but he has 931 00:53:39,660 --> 00:53:45,210 like no savings at all. And a bad credit score. So anyway, we 932 00:53:45,210 --> 00:53:47,190 decided to leave Chase bank because we're like, we don't 933 00:53:47,190 --> 00:53:50,130 like Chase Bank anymore. We don't like where they stand. We 934 00:53:50,130 --> 00:53:54,060 didn't like, you know, you go we'll go broke. And so we're 935 00:53:54,060 --> 00:53:56,880 like, let's, I don't know how much better American Express is. 936 00:53:56,880 --> 00:53:57,270 But well, 937 00:53:57,270 --> 00:54:01,350 but first, we first we opened up an account with the local bank. 938 00:54:01,680 --> 00:54:04,860 Yes, we switched over with our bank here, local in 939 00:54:04,860 --> 00:54:08,190 Fredericksburg, who were actually set up here for the 940 00:54:08,190 --> 00:54:11,040 local people that they outsource all the services, but it's still 941 00:54:11,040 --> 00:54:14,160 it's local people, that people when you go to positive checks 942 00:54:14,160 --> 00:54:17,910 to the drive thru, they say, just feed you on a bone and they 943 00:54:17,910 --> 00:54:23,760 put the bone into that thing. That's what I like. Yes. 944 00:54:23,760 --> 00:54:26,070 So we wanted to change our credit cards, and we really 945 00:54:26,070 --> 00:54:28,500 wanted all the perks that came with the American Express card. 946 00:54:28,500 --> 00:54:31,560 So Adam was like, I don't know, I just don't know if they're 947 00:54:31,560 --> 00:54:32,100 gonna prove 948 00:54:32,100 --> 00:54:35,910 out. Let me explain something. Yeah. Okay. When I left the 949 00:54:35,910 --> 00:54:40,800 United States in 1999, somehow, well, there was two things I 950 00:54:40,800 --> 00:54:47,730 think there was like a $15 AT and T bill that was open. And 951 00:54:47,730 --> 00:54:54,300 there was a $65 I think it was Centurion card or something like 952 00:54:54,300 --> 00:54:57,120 that. And of course I laughed and they never got a hold of me. 953 00:54:57,420 --> 00:55:02,040 So throughout the years and even when And we were together five, 954 00:55:02,040 --> 00:55:05,040 six years ago. Hey, we should know she gets out in America 955 00:55:05,220 --> 00:55:08,910 now. And I've tried it once in a while, like every three years 956 00:55:08,910 --> 00:55:10,980 but hey, you guys sent me another thing. Yeah, I'll go 957 00:55:10,980 --> 00:55:15,960 ahead I'm gonna I'm gonna like always not only that, not only 958 00:55:15,960 --> 00:55:18,270 not only would it be rejected but because of the fact that 959 00:55:18,270 --> 00:55:22,110 they looked at my credit score and it was rejected made it even 960 00:55:22,110 --> 00:55:25,560 go lower. He was actually negative for the credit score. 961 00:55:25,560 --> 00:55:25,680 So 962 00:55:25,680 --> 00:55:29,250 Adam and I, you know, we enter into this relationship I whip 963 00:55:29,250 --> 00:55:37,110 them into shape. I pays bills on time. I'm like, Why? Why are you 964 00:55:37,110 --> 00:55:38,610 holding on to these bills? Okay. 965 00:55:41,250 --> 00:55:48,630 I always make sure independence little guys right away. I pay 966 00:55:48,630 --> 00:55:55,170 you on the spot. But you know atmc is like, I hate you. I just 967 00:55:55,170 --> 00:55:59,190 hate you and I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for the reminder. 968 00:55:59,220 --> 00:56:01,500 I'm gonna take my credit score because I hate you. 969 00:56:01,529 --> 00:56:04,469 That's the part I never cared about. Because I hate you. 970 00:56:04,469 --> 00:56:08,609 That's right. My heart was black. filled with hate towards 971 00:56:08,909 --> 00:56:14,099 black reparations literally, corporation like no, not gonna 972 00:56:14,099 --> 00:56:15,359 pay you when you set your mind 973 00:56:16,080 --> 00:56:21,780 to enter in quadrant two here. Like what? What we gotta do? We 974 00:56:21,780 --> 00:56:23,490 gotta we gotta shape you up. 975 00:56:23,520 --> 00:56:27,660 So anyway, we went on this path and look at you now when you 976 00:56:27,660 --> 00:56:30,870 bought your car, they're like, oh my gosh, Mr. Curry, look at 977 00:56:30,870 --> 00:56:34,440 your credit scores. Nominal. You couldn't wait to come home to 978 00:56:34,440 --> 00:56:39,720 tell me. I was so proud was like my plan worked. So anyway, so we 979 00:56:39,720 --> 00:56:42,120 decided to get the American Express cards and you're like, I 980 00:56:42,120 --> 00:56:46,350 don't know. I don't know. sure nothing gets approved his rise. 981 00:56:46,350 --> 00:56:47,040 Okay, so 982 00:56:47,340 --> 00:56:50,610 it's a plan. I so this is for all the big points a big point. 983 00:56:50,610 --> 00:56:52,230 big moneymaker card so 984 00:56:52,260 --> 00:56:56,640 i Okay, here's me. 800 credit score for most of my life. 985 00:56:56,640 --> 00:57:00,480 Here's Adam. Work in Progress. Finally got him up to my level. 986 00:57:00,510 --> 00:57:04,740 He gets his American Express card. Beautiful box with the 987 00:57:04,740 --> 00:57:08,820 silver bow. I think there was popery in it. I'm not sure. 988 00:57:10,650 --> 00:57:13,470 I think angels literally literally came out. 989 00:57:15,210 --> 00:57:17,550 Since 1980. 990 00:57:22,620 --> 00:57:26,220 Cardmembers since 90, that's very brazen. Those guys put that 991 00:57:26,220 --> 00:57:29,670 on there is very brazen, because they literally shun me. 992 00:57:30,509 --> 00:57:33,509 shun me. Hell is my card. 993 00:57:33,570 --> 00:57:38,610 That was from the Centurion. He was a Centurion. I was a bogus 994 00:57:38,820 --> 00:57:43,560 Centurion member in 1988. Now they're like, platinum, and it 995 00:57:43,560 --> 00:57:47,010 came with velvet. It wasn't a velvet box. Again, I gave her 996 00:57:49,890 --> 00:57:50,580 you smell that? 997 00:57:54,750 --> 00:57:59,070 And you're boasting, you're like, I'm like, where's my card? 998 00:57:59,400 --> 00:58:03,990 Like, where's my frequent card? It didn't come for another week 999 00:58:04,020 --> 00:58:12,240 in a plane I'm the one that trained you. 1000 00:58:12,270 --> 00:58:16,260 I trained you record labels. Look, I wasn't even on streets. 1001 00:58:16,260 --> 00:58:17,820 My name was spelled wrong. 1002 00:58:17,820 --> 00:58:18,630 I don't know. 1003 00:58:21,180 --> 00:58:24,090 Anyway, yeah. come a long way. Grasshopper. 1004 00:58:24,120 --> 00:58:26,790 Oh, thank you very much, baby. It's all because of you. 1005 00:58:26,819 --> 00:58:31,139 Now it's time to hear from Nicole some good 1006 00:58:32,490 --> 00:58:33,900 marks overs How you doing? 1007 00:58:34,439 --> 00:58:44,069 We got to hear from is now. What did you say now it's time to 1008 00:58:44,069 --> 00:58:46,379 hear from the court. So 1009 00:58:48,150 --> 00:58:51,720 did you have any notes? I think there was a yeah, you just pick 1010 00:58:51,720 --> 00:58:55,560 your phone up? Because I hear no. Oh, I put it over here. Move 1011 00:58:55,560 --> 00:58:58,590 it over. Because Because let me let me guess You were you got a 1012 00:58:58,590 --> 00:58:59,130 text message? 1013 00:58:59,190 --> 00:59:03,030 No, no, I was reading the text message about the food from 1014 00:59:03,030 --> 00:59:06,720 Brian. I said do not disturb. Okay. I have several things. 1015 00:59:06,720 --> 00:59:11,580 Yes. Okay. Um, first off, I wanted to thank Dame Kathy and 1016 00:59:11,580 --> 00:59:16,260 serve Bob. They sent us three bottles of wine. Over three 1017 00:59:16,260 --> 00:59:18,240 bottles of Bordeaux. They're sitting in them. 1018 00:59:18,690 --> 00:59:20,940 These are the ones with the little cards on it. Yeah. 1019 00:59:20,970 --> 00:59:24,420 Beautiful. Yeah. So thank you. Thank you. Where are they from? 1020 00:59:24,420 --> 00:59:26,700 Where they from? You know, there was no card 1021 00:59:26,700 --> 00:59:30,570 in it. He had sent me a message on social media so I'm not sure 1022 00:59:30,570 --> 00:59:33,300 where were they where they're from? We had one of them, didn't 1023 00:59:33,300 --> 00:59:35,730 we? Can we drink one we know I'm saving them hope 1024 00:59:35,730 --> 00:59:40,140 for what? For? Oh, I'm ready special time. 1025 00:59:40,200 --> 00:59:41,850 How about tomorrow? Thanksgiving. 1026 00:59:42,240 --> 00:59:45,510 Okay, we'll do too. Okay. Well drink it for Thanksgiving. We 1027 00:59:45,510 --> 00:59:49,860 also got a wine from Renee who wasn't my 75 Hard group and I 1028 00:59:49,860 --> 00:59:53,820 love Rene we've become such good friends. We text every day. And 1029 00:59:53,820 --> 00:59:59,460 I gotta go to Florida. I have to go to Florida to meet her 1030 00:59:59,460 --> 01:00:00,450 because I just Love her. 1031 01:00:00,480 --> 01:00:08,850 You guys are like two peas. So cool. So now, I will say you're 1032 01:00:08,850 --> 01:00:12,390 very good at all kinds of advice for your friends certainly 1033 01:00:12,390 --> 01:00:15,540 clothing because you also have a lot of experience in some 1034 01:00:15,540 --> 01:00:19,800 retail. And so I guess it was like, Oh, I don't what am I 1035 01:00:19,800 --> 01:00:22,560 gonna wear for Christmas? And then you're advising her. Then 1036 01:00:22,560 --> 01:00:25,200 what's really interesting is like, I see this all unfolding 1037 01:00:25,200 --> 01:00:27,960 because I grew up with women. So I know women. I love studying 1038 01:00:27,960 --> 01:00:30,450 women. So I can access the reptile 1039 01:00:30,450 --> 01:00:33,690 brain. Okay? No, not anymore. Hello, 1040 01:00:33,720 --> 01:00:38,010 I access yours more than you know. And, and you're like, Oh, 1041 01:00:38,010 --> 01:00:41,820 you can use it. Look at this. And you got this leather pencil 1042 01:00:41,820 --> 01:00:45,630 skirt. And I'm like, I wonder how long it'll take before Tina 1043 01:00:45,630 --> 01:00:48,300 gets her leather pencil skirt, because this is clearly what 1044 01:00:48,300 --> 01:00:51,630 she's going to be wearing for Christmas. You guys are so cute. 1045 01:00:51,720 --> 01:00:52,590 So cute. 1046 01:00:52,590 --> 01:00:55,680 I helped her holiday outfit and she looks phenomenal. And so 1047 01:00:55,680 --> 01:00:55,830 that 1048 01:00:55,830 --> 01:00:57,900 was the picture you sent. That looks great. Yeah. 1049 01:00:58,199 --> 01:00:59,039 Yeah, I should. 1050 01:00:59,069 --> 01:01:02,129 I should. Why did I not see your head? I was only 1051 01:01:02,640 --> 01:01:04,590 I don't know. That's the picture. She said she wanted me 1052 01:01:04,590 --> 01:01:05,250 to see the outfit. 1053 01:01:05,250 --> 01:01:08,610 It was it was just her neck. I was just looking at the outfit. 1054 01:01:08,610 --> 01:01:11,010 Okay, but I need to see the whole the whole it's important 1055 01:01:11,010 --> 01:01:13,770 to see the whole thing. I mean, I'm very good. You're really 1056 01:01:13,770 --> 01:01:15,810 honest. Yes. Yes. The whole thing. 1057 01:01:15,869 --> 01:01:18,839 We worked on jewelry. She's got to work on shoes. Anyway, she 1058 01:01:18,840 --> 01:01:21,990 also choose what she's gotta be pumped. Black strappy. 1059 01:01:22,019 --> 01:01:25,649 No, it's the shortest black Sharpie low low. No, no, it's 1060 01:01:25,649 --> 01:01:27,539 got to have a little bit of yield not too high. Because you 1061 01:01:27,539 --> 01:01:32,099 know, for me, I gotta see what she's got coming back to me. 1062 01:01:32,550 --> 01:01:34,290 But a pencil skirt literally kind of 1063 01:01:35,250 --> 01:01:38,700 hers is a wrap more of a more accurate has to be a little 1064 01:01:38,700 --> 01:01:40,590 pumpy Listen, I got 1065 01:01:40,590 --> 01:01:44,430 it. Okay. I'm the expire. Okay? It's telling you 1066 01:01:44,760 --> 01:01:47,760 anyway, so she sent us in a bottle of wine also. And 1067 01:01:47,790 --> 01:01:52,170 actually, the wine is from the vineyard of lead singer from the 1068 01:01:52,170 --> 01:01:56,460 band tool. Cuz she loves she loves like really? Like music 1069 01:01:56,460 --> 01:01:58,020 like that. We got to have that. 1070 01:01:58,050 --> 01:01:58,530 Yes. 1071 01:01:58,920 --> 01:02:03,180 The bottle is so beautiful. And she said that they they sell out 1072 01:02:03,180 --> 01:02:07,410 very quickly. So that was really sweet. So I wanted to I wanted 1073 01:02:07,410 --> 01:02:11,640 to tell her or thank her for that bottle of wine, so that's 1074 01:02:11,910 --> 01:02:16,170 appropriately labeled. Okay, okay, then we got another bottle 1075 01:02:16,170 --> 01:02:22,230 of wine from Mr. Robot and absurd observations and they 1076 01:02:22,230 --> 01:02:25,800 went to Augusta Vin which is one of our favorite vineyard. Yes, 1077 01:02:25,800 --> 01:02:29,100 it is. I want to read their cards. So it says from the first 1078 01:02:29,100 --> 01:02:34,620 curry in the keeper during every episode there after I prayed for 1079 01:02:34,620 --> 01:02:39,090 God for one thing, then one magical night under a beautiful 1080 01:02:39,090 --> 01:02:43,830 star filled sky in a pasture in Georgia. And with a bonfire 1081 01:02:43,830 --> 01:02:48,840 started by Mr. Weil HARRIS I bonded with I bonded with then 1082 01:02:48,840 --> 01:02:53,730 fell in love with my soulmate and love of my life. Cork 1083 01:02:53,730 --> 01:02:59,400 soakers are now united. Who's this Mr. Robot in absurd, absurd 1084 01:02:59,430 --> 01:03:00,600 observations? 1085 01:03:01,110 --> 01:03:04,950 He fell in love. I didn't realize this. Yes. 1086 01:03:04,950 --> 01:03:07,830 And he's lovely. I know. I didn't want to read the note 1087 01:03:07,830 --> 01:03:10,200 until the show isn't that great. So when we're making love 1088 01:03:10,200 --> 01:03:13,110 connections to a love connection? 1089 01:03:14,100 --> 01:03:17,940 PS lovely serving you Brazilian style at the kill kill it and 1090 01:03:17,940 --> 01:03:22,320 grill it at the KNC she says kick it and grill it so that was 1091 01:03:23,220 --> 01:03:25,980 it. And they're the ones that created the artwork for today's 1092 01:03:25,980 --> 01:03:28,200 show. So way to see this artwork is amazing. 1093 01:03:29,430 --> 01:03:35,370 Okay, now it's make sense. Isn't that cool? Yeah. So this is Mr. 1094 01:03:35,370 --> 01:03:37,830 Robot. There's a number of people who are part of the the 1095 01:03:37,830 --> 01:03:41,610 beef initiative Texas slim. I am Texas slim. Yes. Which is all 1096 01:03:41,610 --> 01:03:44,460 volunteer work. And it's just beautiful, beautiful people. 1097 01:03:44,490 --> 01:03:47,490 Yeah. And we talked about the killer grill it didn't we on the 1098 01:03:47,490 --> 01:03:50,460 last show do we talk about on the last show? We did. We did. 1099 01:03:50,490 --> 01:03:53,910 Oh, nice. And yeah, of course. He came by I was doing a show. I 1100 01:03:53,910 --> 01:03:57,300 think it was a Friday. I had to do the 2.0 when he came by and 1101 01:03:57,300 --> 01:03:58,980 dropped the wine up. Oh, nice. I 1102 01:03:58,980 --> 01:04:02,970 think it was Thursday. It was Thursday. We just got another 1103 01:04:03,120 --> 01:04:07,500 bottle of wine from Christina Henry, who has now become a good 1104 01:04:07,500 --> 01:04:11,340 friend of mine as well. So I love her too. So she said Adam 1105 01:04:11,340 --> 01:04:14,460 and Tina. Just a little something to celebrate Tina 75 1106 01:04:14,460 --> 01:04:18,120 Hard baptism and Thanksgiving wishing you a wonderful holiday 1107 01:04:18,120 --> 01:04:21,210 season and remember Tina, the Christian thing to do is let 1108 01:04:21,210 --> 01:04:23,490 Adam have some of the good wine now that 70 1109 01:04:23,490 --> 01:04:26,310 Garden 75 is finished exactly 1110 01:04:26,310 --> 01:04:28,260 so much love to you both 1111 01:04:28,290 --> 01:04:32,040 Christina and Charlie to Dame Christina insearch unser Robert 1112 01:04:32,040 --> 01:04:35,580 Charles. So that just came yesterday and she also sent a 1113 01:04:35,580 --> 01:04:36,990 beautiful little Thanksgiving 1114 01:04:40,080 --> 01:04:44,250 and then like this one, this is a this is very complex, very 1115 01:04:44,250 --> 01:04:44,730 complex. 1116 01:04:45,060 --> 01:04:48,360 That she bought all is that a 2018? Because she's 16 She 1117 01:04:48,360 --> 01:04:52,470 bought all 26 teams because a John C DeVore X recommendation. 1118 01:04:53,850 --> 01:04:57,930 But but you can't wait too long. You have to consume them. This 1119 01:04:57,930 --> 01:04:59,670 is perfect. Yes. Perfect. Is 1120 01:04:59,790 --> 01:05:05,190 it Then, yesterday also we received another a gift from 1121 01:05:05,190 --> 01:05:09,420 Robin Phillips and Robin is in our 75 Hard group and she's had 1122 01:05:09,450 --> 01:05:15,000 she had phenomenal success with the program too. And she 1123 01:05:15,120 --> 01:05:19,500 wanted to say something kiss. Kiss Kiss. Kiss kiss me. Oh, oh. 1124 01:05:20,970 --> 01:05:25,710 Oh, that's just a new sometimes I just need a kiss. I love you. 1125 01:05:25,740 --> 01:05:26,190 I love 1126 01:05:26,190 --> 01:05:29,580 you too. Okay, so she says Korean the keeper and Phoebe 1127 01:05:29,580 --> 01:05:33,960 two. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us. Cork soakers 1128 01:05:33,960 --> 01:05:35,940 by the way, I need to decanting please. 1129 01:05:35,970 --> 01:05:37,590 Oh, we got that for you. 1130 01:05:40,710 --> 01:05:42,210 Who? I don't know. I'm 1131 01:05:42,210 --> 01:05:45,120 sorry. I was I was hearing it over here. 1132 01:05:45,150 --> 01:05:46,410 My producer people. 1133 01:05:47,160 --> 01:05:49,650 And D canted I heard 1134 01:05:50,460 --> 01:05:51,450 I didn't hear you're like 1135 01:05:52,830 --> 01:05:54,510 I'm gonna cut that out. No will ever know what 1136 01:05:55,470 --> 01:05:58,530 she does. Your show has been a saving grace to me, especially a 1137 01:05:58,530 --> 01:06:03,000 connection to the 75 hard crew. Some of that Job's karma from 1138 01:06:03,000 --> 01:06:06,840 another amazing pocket podcast sprinkled upon me after having 1139 01:06:06,840 --> 01:06:10,740 no jobs during COVID working since I was 15 that Carmen left 1140 01:06:10,740 --> 01:06:13,740 me with a full time job and another part time job. I love 1141 01:06:13,740 --> 01:06:17,550 both of them and would rather wear out than rust. So listening 1142 01:06:17,550 --> 01:06:21,180 to your show while I am in my territory preserves my leaky 1143 01:06:21,180 --> 01:06:25,530 bucket. Oh, I love that. Beautiful. I love the fact that 1144 01:06:25,530 --> 01:06:28,230 you are transparent and all you share and find myself laughing 1145 01:06:28,230 --> 01:06:31,980 along and agreeing with one side or another. And what she did the 1146 01:06:31,980 --> 01:06:34,920 note is much longer. But what she did is she sent us a gifts 1147 01:06:34,920 --> 01:06:40,770 or gift card to Total Wine. Some treats which she loves Robin 1148 01:06:40,770 --> 01:06:44,220 chicken, the chicken stuff. Yeah, the pie tree. And she also 1149 01:06:44,220 --> 01:06:49,260 sent Phoebe a toy, which I got her to play with. is amazing. 1150 01:06:49,290 --> 01:06:50,190 I did yeah, it 1151 01:06:50,190 --> 01:06:53,850 was more than I've ever seen her play because like, it's just 1152 01:06:53,850 --> 01:06:56,340 wanted to like, make you stop. But I don't know what it was 1153 01:06:56,340 --> 01:06:59,610 once you try it for a second. Yeah, for a second. 1154 01:07:00,450 --> 01:07:04,290 up so many people have sent us wine. And we are so grateful. 1155 01:07:04,290 --> 01:07:05,220 Oh, thank you. 1156 01:07:05,250 --> 01:07:09,300 It's incredible. We are doing so well on the wind so well on the 1157 01:07:09,300 --> 01:07:14,010 love so well on the feedback, you really hurting the people on 1158 01:07:14,010 --> 01:07:19,740 the value for value. And I just I just want to explain that. 1159 01:07:20,970 --> 01:07:24,360 When we started this, it was only podcasting 2.0, which means 1160 01:07:24,360 --> 01:07:27,810 it's not on Apple, it's not on Spotify, it's not on Google, 1161 01:07:27,810 --> 01:07:32,850 it's not on Amazon. There's reasons for that. And it's it's 1162 01:07:32,850 --> 01:07:37,230 not about about the amount of Satoshis or anything, I just 1163 01:07:37,230 --> 01:07:40,350 like to see a few more people just give it a try. And I have a 1164 01:07:40,350 --> 01:07:42,930 proposition. We just did a whole podcast with a whole bunch of 1165 01:07:42,930 --> 01:07:47,700 guys about this today. Just get the fountain app, you can get it 1166 01:07:47,700 --> 01:07:51,750 on your app store or in your Google Play Store. And listen to 1167 01:07:51,750 --> 01:07:55,170 all of your favorite podcasts on that app, because you will earn 1168 01:07:55,170 --> 01:07:58,890 Satoshis and it's about one Satoshi a minute or something. 1169 01:07:58,890 --> 01:08:04,170 So after 10 days or so you'll have maybe 100 Satoshis that you 1170 01:08:04,170 --> 01:08:07,470 can send to us. I just want people to feel what it feels 1171 01:08:07,470 --> 01:08:12,180 like yes, this is not about money. This is of course it is 1172 01:08:12,180 --> 01:08:12,360 all 1173 01:08:14,010 --> 01:08:16,230 but you want them to experience the experience 1174 01:08:16,230 --> 01:08:20,100 I want like I want and I want you to do it because then you 1175 01:08:20,100 --> 01:08:24,210 can show the next person how to do it. Yes, this and believe me, 1176 01:08:24,660 --> 01:08:28,680 this will be the way forward for all kinds of content. So be a 1177 01:08:28,680 --> 01:08:31,470 leader be a representative. And 1178 01:08:31,470 --> 01:08:34,290 if I can do it, I know if I can do it. Anybody can do it. You 1179 01:08:34,290 --> 01:08:37,290 set up my breeze account for me. Yeah, and breathe. That's 1180 01:08:37,290 --> 01:08:40,200 another wallet and I have Bitcoin in it. You didn't like 1181 01:08:40,200 --> 01:08:43,830 the picture that I selected. Remember, you're like, what is 1182 01:08:43,830 --> 01:08:44,730 that picture? 1183 01:08:45,239 --> 01:08:49,349 But what this is also new and it's completely messed up and 1184 01:08:49,349 --> 01:08:52,919 it's broken. And it's hard and it's complicated. But it 1185 01:08:52,919 --> 01:08:57,779 represents freedom. And as and I'm working day and night with a 1186 01:08:57,779 --> 01:09:00,689 group of really dedicated people to make it easier, make it 1187 01:09:00,689 --> 01:09:05,489 better. And so just by you just using it really helps. That's 1188 01:09:05,639 --> 01:09:09,029 that's besides I love sharing our lives with everybody. That's 1189 01:09:09,029 --> 01:09:11,729 the only other thing I want to get out of this podcast. The 1190 01:09:11,729 --> 01:09:14,729 wine we're winning on the wall Yeah, we're winning. 1191 01:09:15,150 --> 01:09:19,770 Remember that Bitcoin is not cryptocurrency. Oh, it's 1192 01:09:19,770 --> 01:09:20,280 different. 1193 01:09:20,700 --> 01:09:22,620 Remember that I love this woman or what 1194 01:09:23,070 --> 01:09:24,660 I've learned from the master. 1195 01:09:25,020 --> 01:09:27,810 We teach each other I teach you to increase your credit score. 1196 01:09:27,810 --> 01:09:39,330 You teach me about Bitcoin have another Thanksgiving night 1197 01:09:39,330 --> 01:09:41,070 tonight. I have to wait 1198 01:09:41,640 --> 01:09:43,050 on the couch two minutes. 1199 01:09:44,430 --> 01:09:47,820 Let's thank a couple of people who are very dedicated boosters 1200 01:09:47,820 --> 01:09:53,130 and of course, Sir Brian with an eye right. Right. 1201 01:09:53,849 --> 01:09:55,499 It ain't gonna be texting right 1202 01:09:55,500 --> 01:10:00,780 at the time. Sir Brian with an eye 100,000 Satoshis and He says 1203 01:10:00,810 --> 01:10:03,660 Doom Doom Doom to doom on today's episode of Law and 1204 01:10:03,660 --> 01:10:06,900 Order. We have the case of who left the lid up. 1205 01:10:07,410 --> 01:10:14,580 Oh all right. Oh, I'm gonna get to them. It gets to the note 1206 01:10:14,580 --> 01:10:18,810 here. The defense would like to refer the jury to the forensic 1207 01:10:18,810 --> 01:10:21,660 evidence proving that defendant B never once entered the 1208 01:10:21,660 --> 01:10:26,910 bathroom. Sorry, Julie. May God have mercy on your soul. 1209 01:10:27,660 --> 01:10:29,880 austerely executive producer Dick Wolf. 1210 01:10:31,260 --> 01:10:32,430 So Julie, 1211 01:10:32,730 --> 01:10:33,900 good one good one, right. 1212 01:10:33,900 --> 01:10:37,260 We talked about that last show or Adam was like somebody left 1213 01:10:37,260 --> 01:10:39,840 lit up and I think it was totally July and you put it in 1214 01:10:39,840 --> 01:10:42,660 the show notes. And apparently she's looked at the show notes 1215 01:10:42,660 --> 01:10:47,190 before she listens to the show. And she goes, I'm so nervous. I 1216 01:10:47,190 --> 01:10:51,390 see that in the show notes. Did I like did I go to the bathroom 1217 01:10:51,390 --> 01:10:55,260 not flush the toilet. She was so worried. 1218 01:10:57,390 --> 01:11:01,770 I love the trauma that I create. I'm so proud of myself. I have 1219 01:11:01,770 --> 01:11:05,400 an 800 credit score and I can traumatize women with a single 1220 01:11:05,400 --> 01:11:05,940 idea 1221 01:11:09,570 --> 01:11:11,610 it's very fun and you redeemed yourself. 1222 01:11:11,640 --> 01:11:17,820 We got 94,500 From a user with a long number we thank you no no 1223 01:11:17,820 --> 01:11:23,940 note there. Oh silver owl are 12 l this is interesting. This is a 1224 01:11:23,940 --> 01:11:29,490 combo boost numerology is everything. 77769 Okay, it's a 1225 01:11:29,490 --> 01:11:34,500 striper nasty, nasty stripe for boost. And he's and he's from 1226 01:11:34,500 --> 01:11:38,760 breeze actually from the breeze. He says Jesus loves nude podcast 1227 01:11:38,760 --> 01:11:44,820 apps on okay. Goes for Jesus. Absolutely. Well, how about 1228 01:11:44,820 --> 01:11:51,330 this? What? Oh, this is probably from Yes, Mr. Robot. Let me just 1229 01:11:51,330 --> 01:11:53,400 make sure I got this right here and make sure I don't miss 1230 01:11:53,400 --> 01:12:00,810 anything. Yes, 50,000. I am Texas Lim. Which of course is 1231 01:12:00,810 --> 01:12:04,080 the podcast. Tina was great getting to meet you in person at 1232 01:12:04,080 --> 01:12:07,140 the kiloton grill it this podcast has really helped me 1233 01:12:07,140 --> 01:12:09,510 show the value for value in relationships with the 1234 01:12:09,510 --> 01:12:12,960 foundation of communication. We will get that wine to you for 1235 01:12:12,960 --> 01:12:16,740 our appreciation for what you both get to us. Mr. Robot says 1236 01:12:16,770 --> 01:12:22,590 hashtag cork soakers unite. Yep. Thank you very much. And there's 1237 01:12:22,590 --> 01:12:26,970 comic strip blogger, another one of our beautiful friends. 33,015 1238 01:12:26,970 --> 01:12:33,570 Satoshis. Dears, Tina, Adam and Quark soaker crew, please place 1239 01:12:33,630 --> 01:12:37,440 a IDOC looking into any podcast app or web browser to enjoy 1240 01:12:37,440 --> 01:12:41,430 being informed about which David Bowie himself called an alien 1241 01:12:41,430 --> 01:12:44,880 life form artificial intelligence, discover 1242 01:12:44,880 --> 01:12:48,240 knowledge, news and history along with TV Show Developer and 1243 01:12:48,240 --> 01:12:54,090 multiple pub owner, Gregory Forman. Yo, he's your CompTIA 1244 01:12:54,090 --> 01:12:56,250 blogger has been in my life for 1245 01:12:57,150 --> 01:12:58,740 I know, you've said this before. 1246 01:12:58,950 --> 01:13:01,230 Long 16 said, wow. 1247 01:13:01,860 --> 01:13:05,760 Following your daily source daily source code. Yeah. Tell to 1248 01:13:05,760 --> 01:13:08,310 people with daily source code code is in case they don't. 1249 01:13:08,760 --> 01:13:13,920 So when we when, when podcasting 1.0 was created, I did a show 1250 01:13:13,920 --> 01:13:16,800 called Daily source code, which is literally meant for the 1251 01:13:16,800 --> 01:13:20,250 developers of we didn't have apps back then we had programs. 1252 01:13:21,750 --> 01:13:24,210 And they call them pod catchers in cotton because we didn't even 1253 01:13:24,210 --> 01:13:26,610 have we didn't have podcast apps at the time. 1254 01:13:27,120 --> 01:13:29,820 And how long was the How long were your shows on the daily 1255 01:13:29,820 --> 01:13:31,170 source code? Oh, they 1256 01:13:31,170 --> 01:13:34,560 were 20 minutes. Okay, in the beginning? Yeah, easily. 20. But 1257 01:13:34,590 --> 01:13:37,440 you know, that's what the podcast 2.0 is. Now as I do the 1258 01:13:37,440 --> 01:13:40,950 board meeting every Friday, I'm replicating the same system 1259 01:13:40,950 --> 01:13:44,310 works perfectly. Yeah. And comic strip blogger is still there and 1260 01:13:44,730 --> 01:13:48,540 key motivated. A lot of the no agenda artists to put their 1261 01:13:48,540 --> 01:13:53,280 lightning wallet address right profile night, the last four 1262 01:13:54,600 --> 01:13:58,980 album. winners have gotten 10% Of all the booths going nice. 1263 01:13:59,010 --> 01:14:00,990 It's a comic strip blogger. 1264 01:14:01,080 --> 01:14:04,320 Can we do that on our show? We don't have an Art Generator. 1265 01:14:04,650 --> 01:14:08,250 Well if I mean so for instance, I can certainly give a split to 1266 01:14:08,280 --> 01:14:10,680 Mr. Robot for this art. Yeah, absolutely. 1267 01:14:10,770 --> 01:14:13,080 really bring any Satoshi then much. 1268 01:14:14,250 --> 01:14:16,710 Well, maybe if people know that they'll be supporting other 1269 01:14:16,710 --> 01:14:22,200 people. Maybe they'll bring us the fountain now people it's 1270 01:14:22,200 --> 01:14:22,650 easy. 1271 01:14:22,890 --> 01:14:25,590 That was very kind Thank you SLC 1272 01:14:25,620 --> 01:14:30,090 12345 beta would have brought would have brought this show and 1273 01:14:30,090 --> 01:14:33,750 many others to the next level. Oh, good and bad. Resisting much 1274 01:14:33,750 --> 01:14:36,600 here in New York state. Our governor elect would like us all 1275 01:14:36,600 --> 01:14:40,500 to be her apostles. She's also trying to ban woodstoves my wife 1276 01:14:40,500 --> 01:14:44,340 may never have the chance to load a gasifier at 45 miles per 1277 01:14:44,340 --> 01:14:51,300 hour. Wouldn't want to go out like that. Sir Doug was 10,000 1278 01:14:51,300 --> 01:14:54,930 SATs value for value. Thank you, sir. Doug. Chad Farah was 10,000 1279 01:14:54,930 --> 01:14:59,160 Chad, thank you. You always always put the seat down. So 1280 01:14:59,160 --> 01:15:02,340 nothing gets done. knocked into the toilet by accident case 1281 01:15:02,340 --> 01:15:07,710 closed. Excellent. You're so right like that logic 7500 from 1282 01:15:07,740 --> 01:15:11,700 Uber thanks for the fun that laughs Hey citizen coming to us 1283 01:15:11,700 --> 01:15:18,420 from pod verse 6161 I've never seen this 6161 I don't have a 1284 01:15:18,420 --> 01:15:23,340 Bible. So here's a passage from A Course in Miracles lesson 61 I 1285 01:15:23,340 --> 01:15:24,090 am the light of the 1286 01:15:24,090 --> 01:15:28,680 world. I had I have the Course in Miracles book you do you 1287 01:15:28,680 --> 01:15:31,650 bought it for me actually long time ago. I did. I wanted to ask 1288 01:15:31,650 --> 01:15:33,330 pastor Jimmy about that too. Yes. 1289 01:15:34,080 --> 01:15:39,150 Did you ask that you must have mentioned because when when we 1290 01:15:39,150 --> 01:15:44,280 were when I was courting courting, Tina would say oh you 1291 01:15:44,280 --> 01:15:46,200 know if only you had a great crayon 1292 01:15:50,220 --> 01:15:55,050 Amazon Yeah, right. You're very generous that way. Yes. You 1293 01:15:55,050 --> 01:15:57,390 bought it from me. It must be in the box of books similar 1294 01:15:57,450 --> 01:16:01,560 most Yeah. The box the box a box of books? I don't think so. 1295 01:16:01,590 --> 01:16:04,350 multiple boxes of stuff. Buck book. Thank you. Hey Susan. 1296 01:16:04,650 --> 01:16:09,990 Vela. 5000 here. Oh, hey, the sauna talk is back. Oh, we know 1297 01:16:09,990 --> 01:16:13,620 this is I got a dynamite idea for you build a yard sauna 1298 01:16:13,620 --> 01:16:17,640 beside the pool. Then turn off the heating in the pool. Waiting 1299 01:16:17,640 --> 01:16:23,400 in the pool. Then go to the blinds and go to this. It is 1300 01:16:23,400 --> 01:16:26,760 your coat. Then go to the saunas that you get really hot then go 1301 01:16:26,760 --> 01:16:29,460 to the pool so you get really cold repeat. You can do that 1302 01:16:29,460 --> 01:16:33,510 shit indefinitely. It feels great now sounds like torture 1303 01:16:33,510 --> 01:16:38,850 actually. Danny the pool? The pool doctor? Pool Doctor Danny 1304 01:16:38,850 --> 01:16:42,420 the pool doctor was over. He comes every 10 days whenever he 1305 01:16:42,420 --> 01:16:45,300 feels his ride love Danny. Thank you, Danny. Danny, thank you. 1306 01:16:45,300 --> 01:16:50,040 You are heaven sent. Because I wished for him. Well, because 1307 01:16:50,070 --> 01:16:54,030 under Adams direction the pool had serious allergy problems. 1308 01:16:55,530 --> 01:16:56,190 No, it's not. 1309 01:17:05,310 --> 01:17:07,560 Am I Am I not being truthful? No. 1310 01:17:07,860 --> 01:17:10,320 You're being true. I couldn't get any I wanted somebody right 1311 01:17:10,320 --> 01:17:13,560 away. We moved here. So let's get a pool guy. There was no one 1312 01:17:13,560 --> 01:17:17,220 wants to do it. Yeah. So that's true. The algae did kind of 1313 01:17:17,220 --> 01:17:22,320 creep up on me but got it under control. But still. So he comes 1314 01:17:22,320 --> 01:17:27,360 over I said Danny, and he's like 10th generation Fredericksburg, 1315 01:17:27,390 --> 01:17:30,930 not just Texas furniture. Danny man, can I can I take the heat 1316 01:17:30,930 --> 01:17:34,290 from these Bitcoin miners? And can I turn that into heat for 1317 01:17:34,290 --> 01:17:38,430 the pool? And he looks at me he's like, are you insane? 1318 01:17:41,580 --> 01:17:43,650 How would you even do that? I wouldn't. 1319 01:17:43,920 --> 01:17:48,750 We talked about he said the only No, no, it's just no, it's just 1320 01:17:48,750 --> 01:17:51,270 no the only thing you can do. You know what if you don't have 1321 01:17:51,270 --> 01:17:53,640 a cover on your pool doesn't even matter what you're doing? 1322 01:17:53,760 --> 01:17:56,130 Oh, like we don't want to cover up the pool. Now. It's a pain in 1323 01:17:56,130 --> 01:18:01,050 the ass. So it'd be a cold plunge. Perfect. Okay. We have 1324 01:18:01,050 --> 01:18:09,180 3655 from no nomadic coder. I wish I'd done rim to rim 36 1325 01:18:09,180 --> 01:18:13,860 years in a row. But sadly, I did it once. 36 years ago. Okay. 1326 01:18:14,220 --> 01:18:17,160 And I have looked into that and I've had a couple people reach 1327 01:18:17,160 --> 01:18:19,470 out to me that want to do it. And we're now looking at a 1328 01:18:19,470 --> 01:18:24,330 program called explored schicke. And they have organized trips 1329 01:18:24,330 --> 01:18:27,630 floor check. Yes. And they go all over including the Grand 1330 01:18:27,630 --> 01:18:30,450 Canyon. So yes, so that is in motion. 1331 01:18:31,139 --> 01:18:33,539 And I like it. I'm coming. 1332 01:18:34,140 --> 01:18:35,220 Yes with the helicopter. 1333 01:18:39,300 --> 01:18:47,220 Absolutely in 2000 server 10 is the plan 77 with 1703. No matter 1334 01:18:47,220 --> 01:18:49,830 coder again with 777. Congratulations, Tina on your 1335 01:18:49,830 --> 01:18:54,210 baptism with striper ministry produce there. Then we have 1336 01:18:54,210 --> 01:18:56,880 another user with a number. Cheers and greetings from 1337 01:18:56,880 --> 01:19:00,360 Central America. Great. Excellent promise and I will 1338 01:19:00,360 --> 01:19:04,170 fulfill it. Bye bye. Oh, I'm not sure who that whether wish we 1339 01:19:04,170 --> 01:19:07,170 knew. Oh, here's the same user my gratitude for fountain 1340 01:19:07,170 --> 01:19:10,440 podcast. You are the best Korean the keeper? User 1341 01:19:10,470 --> 01:19:15,450 88763765444401938 1342 01:19:15,750 --> 01:19:16,980 user names. No, 1343 01:19:16,980 --> 01:19:20,730 your name is from Central America. This is great. Sounds 1344 01:19:20,730 --> 01:19:23,880 like we have a meet up to do Yeah, somewhere in Central 1345 01:19:23,880 --> 01:19:26,640 America. And those are our booster booster grams. Thank 1346 01:19:26,640 --> 01:19:28,950 you. For those of you who are participating. Thank you so 1347 01:19:28,950 --> 01:19:33,990 much. Fountain. I'm just making it easy for us a whole lot of 1348 01:19:33,990 --> 01:19:37,290 apps that work but the easiest one is fountain because you just 1349 01:19:37,290 --> 01:19:41,340 use it with any of your podcasts, any M fi Megyn Kelly, 1350 01:19:41,340 --> 01:19:44,460 whatever you guys are all listening to. It'll give you 1351 01:19:44,460 --> 01:19:48,450 Satoshis and then you can save them. And then you can feel what 1352 01:19:48,450 --> 01:19:52,050 it's like to send us a booster with a message so easy. It's so 1353 01:19:52,050 --> 01:19:55,620 easy to do. And you can fill it up with cash app or lots of 1354 01:19:55,620 --> 01:19:56,460 other ways. Super 1355 01:19:56,460 --> 01:19:57,450 easy. Yep, 1356 01:19:57,480 --> 01:20:00,480 it's not easy. Unfortunately, it's just not super easy. It's I 1357 01:20:00,480 --> 01:20:00,990 mean once 1358 01:20:00,990 --> 01:20:03,540 you once you're into it it's easy to do 1359 01:20:03,570 --> 01:20:08,130 freedom always requires an extra step yeah and that's what I'm 1360 01:20:08,130 --> 01:20:10,560 asking you if that's all I'm asking you to take that's all 1361 01:20:10,560 --> 01:20:13,320 take the freedom step not I don't I don't care about how 1362 01:20:13,320 --> 01:20:17,040 much just take the step for free take the step of freedom because 1363 01:20:17,040 --> 01:20:20,010 then you will also automatically be a Bitcoin you have a Bitcoin 1364 01:20:20,010 --> 01:20:24,090 wallet you will be saved when the apocalypse comes. Adams 1365 01:20:24,090 --> 01:20:30,780 evangelize Hold on a second. Pull it What are you doing? I'm 1366 01:20:30,780 --> 01:20:35,700 trying to find something that here we go this is it. That's 1367 01:20:35,700 --> 01:20:38,640 and and all hell is gonna break loose and you're gonna need a 1368 01:20:38,640 --> 01:20:42,660 Bitcoin. That's my point. You're gonna need a Bitcoin and we're 1369 01:20:42,660 --> 01:20:45,210 gonna teach you how to do it in a fun way. Yes, 1370 01:20:45,270 --> 01:20:50,700 exactly. So I just have a couple more things on my list. Want to 1371 01:20:50,700 --> 01:20:55,110 talk about putting in the new plants for some privacy? 1372 01:20:55,320 --> 01:20:57,570 Oh, yeah. We have answered trees 1373 01:20:57,570 --> 01:21:00,990 we have renamed. Yeah, we need to touch base with Tommy So 1374 01:21:00,990 --> 01:21:04,590 Tommy, the landscaper come? He's always I always enjoy Tommy and 1375 01:21:04,740 --> 01:21:04,860 the 1376 01:21:04,860 --> 01:21:11,850 battery showed up dressed this time. Yes. Yeah, look sharp. I 1377 01:21:11,850 --> 01:21:17,940 looked at him like who are you? Yeah, like he had is Adi das his 1378 01:21:17,940 --> 01:21:23,250 Adidas, Adidas trainers and and yeah, I don't know. He just I've 1379 01:21:23,250 --> 01:21:25,650 never seen Tommy like, yes, he looked really sharp 1380 01:21:25,680 --> 01:21:27,870 commented that somebody even said the same thing to him 1381 01:21:27,870 --> 01:21:30,300 because he had like, he had a blue pullover on 1382 01:21:30,300 --> 01:21:32,790 or something like that always looks like, you know, like a 1383 01:21:32,790 --> 01:21:37,620 whole country. landscape or Exactly. How you clean. 1384 01:21:38,580 --> 01:21:41,490 But um, so yeah, so we're talking about putting up some 1385 01:21:41,490 --> 01:21:45,150 privacy trees because we have now we have a neighbor. And I 1386 01:21:45,150 --> 01:21:46,950 don't really want to look at their stuff. 1387 01:21:47,820 --> 01:21:52,800 Have you seen the expansion of the landing lights? No. It was 1388 01:21:52,860 --> 01:21:59,370 okay. So he's expanded them even more. So. And we've met them we 1389 01:21:59,400 --> 01:21:59,730 this 1390 01:22:00,599 --> 01:22:03,359 beautiful house, but they're trashing it. 1391 01:22:04,259 --> 01:22:07,829 So the careful you never know who listened to look at it. So 1392 01:22:07,829 --> 01:22:10,469 they so first of those two things, and this is kind of 1393 01:22:10,469 --> 01:22:13,889 bringing up because Tommy is so mad, because they threw mulch 1394 01:22:14,369 --> 01:22:18,239 all over and didn't plant anything on it. And basically, 1395 01:22:18,239 --> 01:22:21,689 it's been mulch mulch certified for weeds, so that his 1396 01:22:22,559 --> 01:22:26,279 emulsified for weeds is weeds grown everywhere, then and poor 1397 01:22:26,279 --> 01:22:31,019 Romani. He's He's mowing it himself until the mulch. She's 1398 01:22:31,019 --> 01:22:34,409 mowing the mulch. The weeds grew up through the mud anyway, so he 1399 01:22:34,589 --> 01:22:37,559 because of course we have a few lights and we don't even use 1400 01:22:37,559 --> 01:22:40,589 this driveway because we have a back entrance. But we have a few 1401 01:22:40,589 --> 01:22:45,869 lights in our driveway. Now. He has a first he had 123456 or 1402 01:22:45,869 --> 01:22:51,509 three on each side and they're pointing upwards to the sky. And 1403 01:22:51,569 --> 01:22:52,619 they're multicolored. 1404 01:22:53,040 --> 01:22:55,020 And what are they like red blue? 1405 01:22:56,040 --> 01:23:00,210 LEDs? Like, like no, no, it's like a round. It's like a light 1406 01:23:00,210 --> 01:23:04,770 shining up it has like 2020 LEDs in the circle and it's shining 1407 01:23:04,800 --> 01:23:10,980 upwards into kind of a reddish yellow you wait for it. To walk 1408 01:23:10,980 --> 01:23:16,350 with seeming like there must be 100 lights now all the way all 1409 01:23:16,350 --> 01:23:21,150 the way around the driveway. And it's a long driveway. I just 1410 01:23:21,150 --> 01:23:26,550 want to get my Cirrus and just land on the landing. Total 1411 01:23:26,550 --> 01:23:30,120 landing strip is really overkill. It's like if I did 1412 01:23:30,120 --> 01:23:32,490 that you'd be mad at me. You'd be mad, you'd be mad 1413 01:23:32,490 --> 01:23:39,180 so hence the privacy trees talking to Tommy What did you 1414 01:23:39,180 --> 01:23:41,220 say to tell me about what 1415 01:23:41,250 --> 01:23:44,580 Tommy has planted several things for his wax Myrtles that that 1416 01:23:44,580 --> 01:23:45,270 were Eaglin 1417 01:23:46,740 --> 01:23:49,680 naked and I said Hey Tommy, man, listen, if we're gonna do some 1418 01:23:49,680 --> 01:23:52,620 trees here and it's not you know, it's gonna actually cost 1419 01:23:52,620 --> 01:23:56,010 some money. You know, I just don't want to I want don't want 1420 01:23:56,010 --> 01:23:59,490 to risk the investment. So we need I don't, I don't want to be 1421 01:23:59,490 --> 01:24:02,040 responsible because the only thing you and I have planted 1422 01:24:02,040 --> 01:24:07,830 together that actually lived as the flag. flagpole is, is doing 1423 01:24:07,830 --> 01:24:12,480 fine, but everything else is dead. And you, you, you Hello. 1424 01:24:13,230 --> 01:24:16,110 I've been I've been waiting on that thing for at least two 1425 01:24:16,110 --> 01:24:19,350 weeks. Since the last time we saw him like, oh, I had this 1426 01:24:19,350 --> 01:24:21,480 thing like everything's I'm going to I'm going to use and I 1427 01:24:21,480 --> 01:24:23,700 was so happy. I pulled it out of my out of my ass. 1428 01:24:23,730 --> 01:24:27,450 I know. And he feels so bad about the plant. There's some 1429 01:24:27,450 --> 01:24:31,620 things he planted that like the teachers. I know. He's fun. He's 1430 01:24:31,620 --> 01:24:33,900 done a lot of cleanup of crap for us. 1431 01:24:34,440 --> 01:24:37,410 But our neighbors had this beautiful house and they're 1432 01:24:37,740 --> 01:24:42,690 trashing it with what they're putting out in their yard and I 1433 01:24:42,690 --> 01:24:43,410 don't want to see it. 1434 01:24:43,440 --> 01:24:46,680 I just don't really work and for some reason yeah. 1435 01:24:47,460 --> 01:24:50,730 I just have a couple more things I have you know, 1436 01:24:51,390 --> 01:24:52,620 oh, here we go. 1437 01:24:53,070 --> 01:24:56,400 No, I take the blame for this. So my quadrant two behavior. 1438 01:24:56,850 --> 01:25:01,620 What did you do my my incessant question sends to you about did 1439 01:25:01,620 --> 01:25:04,710 you get the checks did tickets checks I've been on Adam to 1440 01:25:04,710 --> 01:25:07,230 order these checks from a California bank that he has an 1441 01:25:07,230 --> 01:25:10,710 account in and I knew we only had temporary checks and there 1442 01:25:10,710 --> 01:25:13,650 was just a few leftover and I was worried because 1443 01:25:13,650 --> 01:25:20,250 we write a check for that card. Let me explain thanks stuff on 1444 01:25:20,250 --> 01:25:21,210 my list right 1445 01:25:21,360 --> 01:25:26,640 backstory to this. So the no agenda show for all these years 1446 01:25:26,670 --> 01:25:30,540 it's a very complicated show because early on we were getting 1447 01:25:30,780 --> 01:25:34,770 checks and cash and and all kinds of things. So John would 1448 01:25:34,860 --> 01:25:38,430 show up at this bank mechanics Bank, which has now been 1449 01:25:38,460 --> 01:25:42,240 purchased by a bigger bank but you would show up with with all 1450 01:25:42,240 --> 01:25:47,130 this stuff, and believe me, you try to go and bank off with 50 1451 01:25:47,130 --> 01:25:51,120 checks and cash and there's gonna be red flags like what are 1452 01:25:51,120 --> 01:25:54,840 you doing right so we actually had the IRS and everyone we have 1453 01:25:54,870 --> 01:25:59,550 our model has been solidified and this bank understands us so 1454 01:25:59,550 --> 01:26:04,650 this is the bank that the money the no agenda money goes into 1455 01:26:04,650 --> 01:26:07,410 donations go into and then I have to write a check because of 1456 01:26:07,410 --> 01:26:10,980 course this bank doesn't do any kind of wire transfer 1457 01:26:10,980 --> 01:26:12,330 Hello Community Bank Yeah, 1458 01:26:12,360 --> 01:26:15,990 exactly they've no services zero pretty much zero services 1459 01:26:17,160 --> 01:26:20,250 and basically that's where Adams paycheck goes into 1460 01:26:20,280 --> 01:26:27,870 yes and so I've been trying to get I've had problems getting 1461 01:26:27,870 --> 01:26:30,600 checks with him because of course the outsource that and it 1462 01:26:30,600 --> 01:26:33,000 was the wrong address couldn't change the ad has been going on 1463 01:26:33,000 --> 01:26:36,270 for years and years and years then this will finally I have no 1464 01:26:36,270 --> 01:26:39,600 more checks left and I have kept the bank checks that they sent 1465 01:26:39,600 --> 01:26:45,180 me. And I'm waiting for finally to unlike and I have to call the 1466 01:26:45,180 --> 01:26:48,840 manager as like these people to get your check. People suck. I 1467 01:26:48,840 --> 01:26:52,890 just want the checks. My wife is on my she wants me to sign like 1468 01:26:52,890 --> 01:26:59,370 10 of them in case I kick the bucket next week. So got got no 1469 01:26:59,760 --> 01:27:01,980 and by the way to get you on the account, you have to go to 1470 01:27:01,980 --> 01:27:04,410 California can't just get you on that count. You gotta go in 1471 01:27:04,410 --> 01:27:05,100 person, I 1472 01:27:05,099 --> 01:27:08,729 guess asking Adam like, are you ordering checks? You're getting 1473 01:27:08,729 --> 01:27:09,269 checks like 1474 01:27:09,270 --> 01:27:12,720 worrying? What do you mean like going in pretty soon I need some 1475 01:27:12,720 --> 01:27:19,290 checks because you might not make it but I'm gonna give all 1476 01:27:19,320 --> 01:27:21,960 just coincidental Okay, yeah, so just just 1477 01:27:22,650 --> 01:27:31,830 you need to sign a few of those so anyway, so finally the checks 1478 01:27:31,830 --> 01:27:36,180 arrive, we get 300 checks. I'm like, Oh, this is great. We got 1479 01:27:36,180 --> 01:27:40,320 them fit another 300 checks arrived. And then another 300 1480 01:27:40,320 --> 01:27:40,650 checks. 1481 01:27:41,670 --> 01:27:45,750 I bought $400 worth of checks. I just kept hitting click click 1482 01:27:45,750 --> 01:27:46,320 click more 1483 01:27:46,350 --> 01:27:49,410 more. Because I tear race you know, 1484 01:27:50,370 --> 01:27:54,630 it was one day it was the first day it was great. I had 1485 01:27:54,630 --> 01:27:57,300 forgotten what I had done and the next day What does all this 1486 01:27:57,330 --> 01:28:00,480 what all these deliveries It's a chicken 1487 01:28:01,980 --> 01:28:02,700 checks No, 1488 01:28:03,000 --> 01:28:09,240 I was going for the for a cool 1000 Okay, we'll be okay. That's 1489 01:28:09,240 --> 01:28:15,090 one every month takes 900 months. I'll sign them all day. 1490 01:28:15,570 --> 01:28:21,150 I'll sign them all for you. Are we done? weighed about 128 1491 01:28:21,900 --> 01:28:26,100 Alison will be mad Yeah. Darling. I love you. I 1492 01:28:26,100 --> 01:28:27,150 love you too baby. 1493 01:28:28,019 --> 01:28:31,589 And we'll be back in 14 days if you can stand to wait that long 1494 01:28:31,589 --> 01:28:35,369 Korean the key Parker in the keeper.com Baba Baba boost 1495 01:28:48,000 --> 01:28:53,010 carry in the keeper yeah